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synced 2024-11-17 13:58:03 +08:00
add bucket for preparing variables for plotting
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# Copyright 2018 Jörg Franke
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
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Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
# Copyright 2018 Jörg Franke
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
from adnc.model.utils import softmax
from adnc.model.utils import weighted_softmax
class Bucket:
def __init__(self, variables, babi_short=True):
self.babi_short = babi_short
analyse_values, prediction, decoded_predictions, data_sample, weights_dict = variables
data, target, mask, x_word = data_sample
analyse_outputs, analyse_signals, analyse_states = analyse_values
controller_states, memory_states = analyse_states
if memory_states.__len__() == 6:
self.cell_type = 'dnc'
memory, usage_vector, write_weightings, precedence_weighting, link_matrix, read_weightings = memory_states
alloc_gate, free_gates, write_gate, write_keys, write_strengths, write_vector, erase_vector, read_keys, read_strengths, read_modes = analyse_signals
if link_matrix.shape.__len__() == 4:
link_matrix = np.expand_dims(link_matrix, 2)
if precedence_weighting.shape.__len__() == 3:
precedence_weighting = np.expand_dims(precedence_weighting, 2)
self.read_mode = read_modes
self.link_matrix = link_matrix
self.precedence_weighting = precedence_weighting
self.cell_type = 'cmu'
memory, usage_vector, write_weightings, read_weightings = memory_states
alloc_gate, free_gates, write_gate, write_keys, write_strengths, write_vector, erase_vector, read_keys, read_strengths = analyse_signals
self.read_mode = np.expand_dims(write_gate, -1)
self.link_matrix = np.expand_dims(memory, -1)
self.weights_dict = weights_dict
self.batch_size = memory.shape[1]
self.seq_len = memory.shape[0]
self.max_read_head = read_weightings.shape[2]
if write_weightings.shape.__len__() == 3:
self.max_write_head = 1
self.max_write_head = write_weightings.shape[2]
self.memory_width = memory.shape[-1]
memory_unit_output = analyse_outputs[:, :, :self.max_read_head * self.memory_width]
controller_output = analyse_outputs[:, :, self.max_read_head * self.memory_width:]
self.controller_output = controller_output
self.output_size = analyse_outputs.shape[-1]
self.analyse_outputs = analyse_outputs
# prepare strength
if write_strengths.shape.__len__() == 3:
write_strengths = np.expand_dims(write_strengths, 2)
if read_strengths.shape.__len__() == 3:
read_strengths = np.expand_dims(read_strengths, 2)
# prepare keys
if write_keys.shape.__len__() == 3:
write_keys = np.expand_dims(write_keys, 2)
if read_keys.shape.__len__() == 3:
read_keys = np.expand_dims(read_keys, 2)
# prepare vectos
if write_vector.shape.__len__() == 3:
write_vector = np.expand_dims(write_vector, 2)
if erase_vector.shape.__len__() == 3:
erase_vector = np.expand_dims(erase_vector, 2)
# prepare gates
if write_gate.shape.__len__() == 3:
write_gate = np.expand_dims(write_gate, 2)
write_gate = np.stack([write_gate[:, :, :, 0], 1 - write_gate[:, :, :, 0]], axis=3)
if alloc_gate.shape.__len__() == 3:
alloc_gate = np.expand_dims(alloc_gate, 2)
alloc_gate = np.stack([alloc_gate[:, :, :, 0], 1 - alloc_gate[:, :, :, 0]], axis=3)
free_gates = np.stack([free_gates[:, :, :, 0], 1 - free_gates[:, :, :, 0]], axis=3)
# prepare weightings
if write_weightings.shape.__len__() == 3:
write_weightings = np.expand_dims(write_weightings, 2)
self.alloc_gate = alloc_gate
self.free_gate = free_gates
self.write_gate = write_gate
self.write_weighting = write_weightings
self.read_weighting = read_weightings
self.data = data
self.mask = mask
self.prediction = prediction
self.target = target
self.x_word = x_word
self.decoded_predictions = np.stack(decoded_predictions, axis=1)
self.alloc_gate = alloc_gate
self.memory = memory
self.write_strengths = write_strengths
self.write_keys = write_keys
self.usage_vector = usage_vector
self.write_vector = write_vector
self.read_strength = read_strengths
self.read_keys = read_keys
self.read_vector = np.reshape(memory_unit_output,
[self.seq_len, self.batch_size, self.max_read_head, self.memory_width])
self.erase_vector = erase_vector
def get_memory_influence(self, batch=-1):
memory_unit_mask = np.concatenate([np.ones([self.seq_len, self.max_read_head * self.memory_width]), np.zeros(
[self.seq_len, self.output_size - (self.max_read_head * self.memory_width)])], axis=-1)
controller_mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros([self.seq_len, self.max_read_head * self.memory_width]), np.ones(
[self.seq_len, self.output_size - (self.max_read_head * self.memory_width)])], axis=-1)
controller_influence = []
memory_unit_influence = []
if batch == -1:
batch_size = self.mask.shape[1]
batch_size = 1
for b in range(batch_size):
if batch != -1:
b = batch
matmul = np.matmul(self.analyse_outputs[:, b, :],
self.weights_dict['output_layer/weights_concat:0']['var']) + \
pred_both = softmax(matmul)
matmul = np.matmul(self.analyse_outputs[:, b, :] * controller_mask,
self.weights_dict['output_layer/weights_concat:0']['var']) + \
pred_c = softmax(matmul)
matmul = np.matmul(self.analyse_outputs[:, b, :] * memory_unit_mask,
self.weights_dict['output_layer/weights_concat:0']['var']) + \
pred_mu = softmax(matmul)
co_inf = np.abs(pred_both - pred_mu).sum(axis=-1)
me_inf = np.abs(pred_both - pred_c).sum(axis=-1)
co_inf = (1 / (co_inf + me_inf + 1e-8)) * co_inf
me_inf = (1 / (co_inf + me_inf + 1e-8)) * me_inf
if controller_influence.__len__() > 1:
controller_influence = np.mean(controller_influence, axis=1)
memory_unit_influence = np.mean(memory_unit_influence, axis=1)
controller_influence = controller_influence[0]
memory_unit_influence = memory_unit_influence[0]
return controller_influence, memory_unit_influence
def get_basic_functionality(self, batch):
if self.babi_short:
max_loc = np.where(np.asarray(self.x_word[batch]) == '-')[0][1] + 1
max_loc = np.where(self.mask[:, batch] == 1)[0].max() + 1
mask = self.mask[:max_loc, batch]
correct_prediction = np.asarray([p == t and m for p, t, m in
zip(np.argmax(self.prediction[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1),
np.argmax(self.target[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1), mask)])
false_prediction = correct_prediction != mask
text = self.x_word[batch]
decoded_predictions = self.decoded_predictions[:max_loc, batch]
alloc_gate = self.alloc_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_gate = self.write_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
free_gate = self.free_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_weighting = self.write_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_weighting = self.read_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_vector = self.read_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
controller_output = self.controller_output[:max_loc, batch, :]
write_vector = self.write_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
erase_vector = self.erase_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
new_memory = self.memory[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
add_memory = np.matmul(np.transpose(write_weighting, (0, 2, 1)), write_vector)
np_erase_memory = (1 - np.expand_dims(write_weighting, 3) * np.expand_dims(erase_vector, 2))
erase_memory = np.prod(np_erase_memory, axis=1, keepdims=False)
old_memory = (new_memory - add_memory) / erase_memory
read_strength = self.read_strength[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_head_influence = self.calculate_read_head_influence(read_vector, self.weights_dict, controller_output)
if self.cell_type == 'dnc':
read_mode = self.read_mode[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, alloc_gate, free_gate, write_gate, write_weighting, read_mode, read_weighting, read_head_influence, old_memory, new_memory, read_strength, max_loc
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, alloc_gate, free_gate, write_gate, write_weighting, read_weighting, read_head_influence, old_memory, new_memory, read_strength, max_loc
def get_write_process(self, batch):
if self.babi_short:
max_loc = np.where(np.asarray(self.x_word[batch]) == '-')[0][1] + 1
max_loc = np.where(self.mask[:, batch] == 1)[0].max() + 1
mask = self.mask[:max_loc, batch]
correct_prediction = np.asarray([p == t and m for p, t, m in
zip(np.argmax(self.prediction[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1),
np.argmax(self.target[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1), mask)])
false_prediction = correct_prediction != mask
text = self.x_word[batch]
decoded_predictions = self.decoded_predictions[:, batch]
alloc_gate = self.alloc_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
free_gate = self.free_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_gate = self.write_gate[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_weighting = self.write_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_strength = self.write_strengths[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_key = self.write_keys[:max_loc, batch, :, :, ]
usage_vector = self.usage_vector[:max_loc, batch, :]
write_vector = self.write_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
memory = self.memory[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
content_weighting = self.calculate_content_weightings(memory, write_key, write_strength[:, :, 0])
alloc_weighting = self.calculate_allocation_weightings(usage_vector, write_gate[:, :, 0])
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, alloc_gate, free_gate, write_gate, \
write_weighting, content_weighting, write_strength, alloc_weighting, write_vector, write_key, max_loc
def get_read_process(self, batch):
if self.babi_short:
max_loc = np.where(np.asarray(self.x_word[batch]) == '-')[0][1] + 1
max_loc = np.where(self.mask[:, batch] == 1)[0].max() + 1
mask = self.mask[:max_loc, batch]
correct_prediction = np.asarray([p == t and m for p, t, m in
zip(np.argmax(self.prediction[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1),
np.argmax(self.target[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1), mask)])
false_prediction = correct_prediction != mask
text = self.x_word[batch]
decoded_predictions = self.decoded_predictions[:, batch]
read_mode = self.read_mode[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_weighting = self.read_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_strength = self.read_strength[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
read_key = self.read_keys[:max_loc, batch, :, :, ]
read_vector = self.read_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
memory = self.memory[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
link_matrix = self.link_matrix[:max_loc, batch, :, :, :]
controller_output = self.controller_output[:max_loc, batch, :]
read_content_weighting = self.calculate_content_weightings(memory, read_key, read_strength[:, :, 0])
forward_weighting, backward_weighting = self.calculate_forward_backward_weightings(link_matrix, read_weighting)
read_head_influence = self.calculate_read_head_influence(read_vector, self.weights_dict, controller_output)
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, forward_weighting, \
backward_weighting, read_content_weighting, read_strength, read_key, read_mode, read_weighting, read_vector, read_head_influence, max_loc
def get_memory_process(self, batch):
if self.babi_short:
max_loc = np.where(np.asarray(self.x_word[batch]) == '-')[0][1] + 1
max_loc = np.where(self.mask[:, batch] == 1)[0].max() + 1
mask = self.mask[:max_loc, batch]
correct_prediction = np.asarray([p == t and m for p, t, m in
zip(np.argmax(self.prediction[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1),
np.argmax(self.target[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1), mask)])
false_prediction = correct_prediction != mask
text = self.x_word[batch]
decoded_predictions = self.decoded_predictions[:, batch]
new_memory = self.memory[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_weighting = self.write_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
write_vector = self.write_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
erase_vector = self.erase_vector[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
add_memory = np.matmul(np.transpose(write_weighting, (0, 2, 1)), write_vector)
np_erase_memory = (1 - np.expand_dims(write_weighting, 3) * np.expand_dims(erase_vector, 2))
erase_memory = np.prod(np_erase_memory, axis=1, keepdims=False)
old_memory = (new_memory - add_memory) / erase_memory
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, old_memory, write_weighting, \
write_vector, erase_vector, add_memory, erase_memory, new_memory, max_loc
def get_link_matrix_process(self, batch):
if self.babi_short:
max_loc = np.where(np.asarray(self.x_word[batch]) == '-')[0][1] + 1
max_loc = np.where(self.mask[:, batch] == 1)[0].max() + 1
mask = self.mask[:max_loc, batch]
correct_prediction = np.asarray([p == t and m for p, t, m in
zip(np.argmax(self.prediction[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1),
np.argmax(self.target[:max_loc, batch, :], axis=-1), mask)])
false_prediction = correct_prediction != mask
text = self.x_word[batch]
decoded_predictions = self.decoded_predictions[:, batch]
write_weighting = self.write_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
new_precedence_weighting = self.precedence_weighting[:max_loc, batch, :, :]
new_link_matrix = self.link_matrix[:max_loc, batch, :, :, :]
memory_length = new_link_matrix.shape[-1]
old_precedence_weighting = (new_precedence_weighting - write_weighting) / (
1 - np.sum(write_weighting, axis=2, keepdims=True))
old_link_matrix = np.zeros([max_loc, self.max_write_head, memory_length, memory_length])
for t in range(max_loc):
for w in range(self.max_write_head):
for i in range(memory_length):
for j in range(memory_length):
if i == j:
old_link_matrix[t, w, i, j] = 0
old_link_matrix[t, w, i, j] = (new_link_matrix[t, w, i, j] - write_weighting[t, w, i] *
old_precedence_weighting[t, w, j]) / (
1 - write_weighting[t, w, i] - write_weighting[t, w, j])
return correct_prediction, false_prediction, text, decoded_predictions, mask, old_link_matrix, \
old_precedence_weighting, new_precedence_weighting, write_weighting, new_link_matrix, max_loc
def calculate_content_weightings(memory, keys, strength, ):
time_scale = memory.shape[0]
memory_length = memory.shape[1]
read_heads = keys.shape[1]
if strength.shape.__len__() == 2:
strength = np.expand_dims(strength, -1)
similarity = np.empty([time_scale, read_heads, memory_length])
for t in range(time_scale):
for r in range(read_heads):
for l in range(memory_length):
similarity[t, r, l] = np.dot(memory[t, l, :], keys[t, r, :]) / (
np.sqrt(np.sum(memory[t, l, :] * memory[t, l, :], axis=-1, keepdims=True))
* np.sqrt(np.sum(keys[t, r, :] * keys[t, r, :], axis=-1, keepdims=True)))
weightings = weighted_softmax(similarity, strength)
return weightings
def calculate_allocation_weightings(usage_vector, write_gates):
time_scale = usage_vector.shape[0]
write_heads = write_gates.shape[1]
memory_length = usage_vector.shape[1]
np_alloc_weightings = np.zeros([time_scale, write_heads, memory_length])
for t in range(time_scale):
for w in range(write_heads):
free_list = np.argsort(usage_vector[t, :])
for j in range(memory_length):
np_alloc_weightings[t, w, free_list[j]] = (1 - usage_vector[t, free_list[j]]) * np.prod(
[usage_vector[t, free_list[i]] for i in range(j)])
usage_vector[t, :] += ((1 - usage_vector[t, :]) * write_gates[t, w] * np_alloc_weightings[t, w, :])
return np_alloc_weightings
def calculate_forward_backward_weightings(link_matrix, read_weightings):
pre_read_weightings = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(read_weightings[0], axis=0), read_weightings[:-1]], axis=0)
time_scale = pre_read_weightings.shape[0]
read_heads = pre_read_weightings.shape[1]
write_heads = link_matrix.shape[1]
memory_length = pre_read_weightings.shape[2]
np_forward_weightings = np.empty([time_scale, read_heads, write_heads, memory_length])
np_backward_weightings = np.empty([time_scale, read_heads, write_heads, memory_length])
for t in range(time_scale):
for r in range(read_heads):
for w in range(write_heads):
np_forward_weightings[t, r, w, :] = np.matmul(pre_read_weightings[t, r, :], link_matrix[t, w, :, :])
np_backward_weightings[t, r, w, :] = np.matmul(pre_read_weightings[t, r, :],
np.transpose(link_matrix[t, w, :, :]))
return np_forward_weightings, np_backward_weightings
def calculate_read_head_influence(read_vector, weights_dict, controller_output):
read_heads = read_vector.shape[1]
width = read_vector.shape[2]
read_head_influence = np.empty([read_vector.shape[0], read_heads])
for t in range(controller_output.shape[0]):
mu_output = np.reshape(read_vector[t, :, :], [read_heads * width])
co_output = np.concatenate([mu_output, controller_output[t, :]], axis=-1)
matmul = np.matmul(co_output, weights_dict['output_layer/weights_concat:0']['var']) + \
pred_full = softmax(matmul)
for r in range(read_heads):
zero_head = np.ones([read_heads, width])
zero_head[r, :] = 0
memory_unit_output = np.reshape(read_vector[t, :, :] * zero_head, [read_heads * width])
co_output = np.concatenate([memory_unit_output, controller_output[t, :]], axis=-1)
matmul_muh = np.matmul(co_output, weights_dict['output_layer/weights_concat:0']['var']) + \
pred_head = softmax(matmul_muh)
read_head_influence[t, r] = np.abs(pred_full - pred_head).sum()
read_head_influence = softmax(read_head_influence)
return read_head_influence
Reference in New Issue
Block a user