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The goal of TAC Knowledge Base Population (KBP) is to develop and evaluate technologies for populating knowledge bases (KBs) from unstructured text. KBP includes component tracks that develop specific components and capabilities for KBP, as well as an end-to-end KB construction task called "Cold Start", which builds a KB from scratch by integrating selected components as their technology matures. The capabilities required in the component tracks can be both "more" and "less" than what is exercised in the Cold Start KB task. The component tracks are "more" than Cold Start in the sense that each track may explore pilot tasks that are not immediately integrated into the Cold Start task; and they are "less" in the sense that integrating the components into a single KB requires additional coordination and reconciliation of mismatches between the various components so that the KB conforms with the KB schema (e.g., the KB cannot assert that an entity is the "PLACE" for an event if it also asserts that the entity is a "PERSON").
Standalone component tasks are offered in the following KBP tracks:
Entity Discovery and Linking (EDL): The main EDL task is to extract name and nominal mentions of specific individual person (PER), organization (ORG), geopolitical entity (GPE), location (LOC), and facility (FAC) entities mentioned in the evaluation docoument collection, and to link each mention to its KB node (either a node in the TAC reference KB, or a newly created NIL node if it doesn't have a corresponding KB entry). Additionally, the 2017 EDL track includes an EDL pilot (which is not part of the 2017 Cold Start KB task) for 10 new languages.
Slot Filling (SF): The slot filling task is to search the document collection to fill in values for specific attributes ("slots") for specific entities.
Event: The event track aims to extract information about events from unstructured text, such that the information would be suitable as input into a structured KB. The track includes Event Nugget (EN) tasks to detect and link event nuggets (i.e., mentions of events in text), and Event Argument (EAL) tasks to extract event arguments and link arguments that belong to the same event. Additionally, an event (nugget) sequencing pilot is offered in English (but is not part of the 2017 Cold Start task).
Belief and Sentiment (BeSt): The Belief and Sentiment track detects belief and sentiment of an entity toward another entity, relation, or event.
data link:https://tac.nist.gov/2017/KBP/