980 lines
34 KiB
980 lines
34 KiB
import random
import string
import numpy
__author__ = 'wilbur'
# read type index, e.g., Attack -- 14
def read_type_index(file_name):
type_2_index = {}
index_2_type = {}
f = open(file_name, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
type = parts[2]
index = parts[0]
type_2_index[type] = index
index_2_type[index] = type
return type_2_index, index_2_type
# read relation index, e.g., ARG0 -- 1
def read_relation_index(file_name):
rel_2_index = {}
index_2_rel = {}
f = open(file_name, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
rel = parts[1]
index = parts[0]
rel_2_index[rel] = index
index_2_rel[index] = rel
return rel_2_index, index_2_rel
# load train data to lists
def load_training_data(file_name):
f = open(file_name, 'r')
doc_id_list = []
type_list = []
trigger_list = []
left_word_list = []
relation_list = []
right_word_list = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
parts = line.split(' :: ')
doc_id = parts[0]
type = parts[1]
trigger = parts[2]
left_words = []
right_words = []
relations = []
if len(parts) > 3:
structure = parts[3]
structure_parts = structure.strip().split(' ')
for unit in structure_parts:
unit_parts = unit.strip().split('##')
word1 = unit_parts[0]
relation = unit_parts[1]
word2 = unit_parts[2]
return doc_id_list, type_list, trigger_list, left_word_list, relation_list, right_word_list
# loading the whole word2vec file
def load_word_vec(file_name):
word_vectors = {}
vector_size = 0
vocab = []
f = open(file_name, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) > 2:
word = string.lower(parts[0])
word_vectors[word] = parts
vector_size = len(parts)
return [word_vectors, vector_size]
# load all type labels
def load_types(type_file):
all_types = {}
all_type_structures = {}
f = open(type_file, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
index = parts[0]
trigger = parts[2]
all_types[index] = trigger
structures = []
for j in range(3, len(parts)):
s = trigger + "\t" + parts[j]
all_type_structures[index] = structures
return all_types, all_type_structures
# load all type labels
def load_types_1(type_file):
all_types = {}
all_type_structures = {}
f = open(type_file, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
index = parts[0]
trigger = parts[2]
all_types[index] = trigger
structures = []
for j in range(3, len(parts)):
s = trigger + "\t" + parts[j]
all_type_structures[index] = structures
return all_types, all_type_structures
# get the matrix for all input parts
def get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_vectors, representation_size, context_size):
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(representation_size * 2, context_size))
i = 0
while i < context_size:
word1 = left_word[i].lower()
word2 = right_word[i].lower()
# current word
if not word1 in word_vectors:
if str(word1).find('-') == -1:
word1 = "<unk>"
idx = word1.find('-')
word1 = word1[:idx]
if not word1 in word_vectors:
word1 = "<unk>"
curVector1 = word_vectors[word1]
for j in range(0, representation_size):
if j > len(curVector1):
print "ERROR: mismatch in word vector lengths: " + str(len(curVector1)) + " vs " + representation_size
elem = float(curVector1[j])
matrix[j, i] = elem
if not word2 in word_vectors:
if str(word2).find('-') == -1:
word2 = "<unk>"
idx = word2.find('-')
word2 = word2[:idx]
if not word2 in word_vectors:
word2 = "<unk>"
cur_vector_2 = word_vectors[word2]
for j in range(0, representation_size):
if j > len(curVector1):
print "ERROR: mismatch in word vector lengths: " + str(len(cur_vector_2)) + " vs " + representation_size
elem = float(cur_vector_2[j])
matrix[j + representation_size, i] = elem
i += 1
return matrix
# get the matrix for all triggers
def get_input_trigger_matrix(trigger, word_vectors, representation_size):
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(representation_size, 1))
trigger = trigger.lower()
if not trigger in word_vectors:
if str(trigger).find('-') == -1:
trigger = "<unk>"
idx = trigger.find('-')
trigger = trigger[:idx]
if not trigger in word_vectors:
trigger = "<unk>"
cur_vector_1 = word_vectors[trigger]
for j in range(0, representation_size):
if j > len(cur_vector_1):
print "ERROR: mismatch in word vector lengths: " + str(len(cur_vector_1)) + " vs " + representation_size
elem = float(cur_vector_1[j])
matrix[j, 0] = elem
return matrix
# load all initial random relation vectors
def load_relation_vectors(relation_vec_file, representation_size):
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(representation_size, 1))
f = open(relation_vec_file, 'r')
index = 0
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split()
for j in range(0, len(parts)):
elem = float(parts[j])
matrix[j, index] = elem
index += 1
return matrix
# generate random relation vectors
def random_init_rel_vec(relations_file, size):
f = open(relations_file, 'r')
index = 0
for line in f:
index += 1
rel_vec_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(index, size * size))
for i in range(0, index):
for j in range(0, size * size):
d1 = random.random() - 0.5
rel_vec_matrix[i, j] = d1
return rel_vec_matrix
# generate random relation vectors
def random_init_rel_vec_factor(relations_file, size):
f = open(relations_file, 'r')
index = 0
for line in f:
index += 1
rel_vec_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(index, size))
for i in range(0, index):
for j in range(0, size):
d1 = random.random() - 0.5
rel_vec_matrix[i, j] = d1
return rel_vec_matrix
# get the relation binary vectors for each relation
def get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index):
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(relation_size, context_size))
i = 0
while i < context_size:
rel = relation[i]
idx = int(rel_2_index[rel])
for j in range(0, relation_size):
if idx == j:
matrix[j, i] = 1
matrix[j, i] = 0
i += 1
return matrix
# get all input matrix for nn
def input_matrix(type_list, trigger_list, left_word_list, relation_list, right_word_list, representation_size,
context_size, relation_size, type_file, word_2_vec, rel_2_index):
num_samples = len(left_word_list)
print "processing" + str(num_samples) + " examples per epoch"
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(type_file)
type_size = len(type_2_index)
representation_size_1 = representation_size * 2
input_context_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size_1 * context_size))
input_trigger_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size * 1))
result_index_matrix = []
result_vector_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, type_size * 1))
relation_binary_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, relation_size * context_size))
for sample in range(0, num_samples):
left_word = left_word_list[sample]
relation = relation_list[sample]
right_word = right_word_list[sample]
trigger = trigger_list[sample]
type = type_list[sample]
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(type_size, 1))
for m in range(0, type_size):
matrix[m, 0] = 0
type = type.lower()
if type_2_index.has_key(type):
type_index = type_2_index[type]
type_index_1 = int(type_index) - 1
matrix[type_index_1, 0] = 1
while len(left_word) < context_size:
matrix_word_pair = \
get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_2_vec, representation_size, context_size)
matrix_word_pair = numpy.reshape(matrix_word_pair, representation_size_1 * context_size)
input_context_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_word_pair
matrix_trigger = get_input_trigger_matrix(trigger, word_2_vec, representation_size)
matrix_trigger = numpy.reshape(matrix_trigger, representation_size * 1)
input_trigger_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_trigger
matrix_relation = get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index)
matrix_relation = numpy.reshape(matrix_relation, relation_size * context_size)
relation_binary_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_relation
matrix = numpy.reshape(matrix, type_size)
result_vector_matrix[sample, :] = matrix
return result_index_matrix, result_vector_matrix, input_context_matrix, input_trigger_matrix, relation_binary_matrix
def get_train_type_flag(train_type_flag):
f = open(train_type_flag, 'r')
map = {}
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
type = parts[0]
map[type] = type
return map
# get all input matrix for nn, add neg examples
def input_matrix_1(type_list, trigger_list, left_word_list, relation_list, right_word_list, representation_size,
context_size, relation_size, type_file, word_2_vec, rel_2_index, train_type_flag):
num_samples = len(left_word_list)
train_type_flags = get_train_type_flag(train_type_flag)
print "processing" + str(num_samples) + " examples per epoch"
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(type_file)
type_size = len(type_2_index)
representation_size_1 = representation_size * 2
input_context_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size_1 * context_size))
input_trigger_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size * 1))
result_index_matrix = []
result_vector_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, type_size * 1))
relation_binary_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, relation_size * context_size))
pos_neg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, 1))
for sample in range(0, num_samples):
left_word = left_word_list[sample]
relation = relation_list[sample]
right_word = right_word_list[sample]
trigger = trigger_list[sample]
type = type_list[sample]
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(type_size, 1))
for m in range(0, type_size):
matrix[m, 0] = 0
if train_type_flags.has_key(type):
pos_neg_matrix[sample, 0] = 1
type = type.lower()
type_index = type_2_index[type]
type_index_1 = int(type_index) - 1
matrix[type_index_1, 0] = 1
pos_neg_matrix[sample, 0] = 0
## each relation will be annotated as a binary vector amond all types
while len(left_word) < context_size:
matrix_word_pair = get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_2_vec, representation_size,
matrix_word_pair = numpy.reshape(matrix_word_pair, representation_size_1 * context_size)
input_context_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_word_pair
matrix_trigger = get_input_trigger_matrix(trigger, word_2_vec, representation_size)
matrix_trigger = numpy.reshape(matrix_trigger, representation_size * 1)
input_trigger_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_trigger
matrix_relation = get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index)
matrix_relation = numpy.reshape(matrix_relation, relation_size * context_size)
relation_binary_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_relation
matrix = numpy.reshape(matrix, type_size)
result_vector_matrix[sample, :] = matrix
return result_index_matrix, result_vector_matrix, input_context_matrix, input_trigger_matrix, \
relation_binary_matrix, pos_neg_matrix
# get all input matrix for nn, add neg examples
def input_matrix_1_test(type_list, trigger_list, left_word_list, relation_list, right_word_list, representation_size,
context_size, relation_size, type_file, word_2_vec, rel_2_index, train_type_flag):
num_samples = len(left_word_list)
train_type_flags = get_train_type_flag(train_type_flag)
print "processing" + str(num_samples) + " examples per epoch"
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(type_file)
type_size = len(type_2_index)
representation_size_1 = representation_size * 2
intput_context_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size_1 * context_size))
input_trigger_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, representation_size * 1))
result_index_matrix = []
result_vector_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, type_size * 1))
relation_binary_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, relation_size * context_size))
pos_neg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, 1))
for sample in range(0, num_samples):
left_word = left_word_list[sample]
relation = relation_list[sample]
right_word = right_word_list[sample]
trigger = trigger_list[sample]
type = type_list[sample]
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(type_size, 1))
for m in range(0, type_size):
matrix[m, 0] = 0
pos_neg_matrix[sample, 0] = 1
type = type.lower()
type_index = type_2_index[type]
type_index_1 = int(type_index) - 1
matrix[type_index_1, 0] = 1
# each relation will be annotated as a binary vector amond all types
while len(left_word) < context_size:
matrix_word_pair = get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_2_vec, representation_size,
matrix_word_pair = numpy.reshape(matrix_word_pair, representation_size_1 * context_size)
intput_context_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_word_pair
matrix_trigger = get_input_trigger_matrix(trigger, word_2_vec, representation_size)
matrix_trigger = numpy.reshape(matrix_trigger, representation_size * 1)
input_trigger_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_trigger
matrix_relation = get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index)
matrix_relation = numpy.reshape(matrix_relation, relation_size * context_size)
relation_binary_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_relation
matrix = numpy.reshape(matrix, type_size)
result_vector_matrix[sample, :] = matrix
return result_index_matrix, result_vector_matrix, intput_context_matrix, input_trigger_matrix, \
relation_binary_matrix, pos_neg_matrix
def get_word_vec(phrase, word_vectors, vector_size):
vec = []
parts = str(phrase).lower().strip().split(" ")
for i in range(0, vector_size):
count = 0
for i in range(0, len(parts)):
word = parts[i]
if word != "<empty>":
if word in word_vectors:
count += 1.0
cur_vector = word_vectors[word]
for j in range(0, vector_size):
elem = float(cur_vector[j])
vec[j] += elem
if count > 0:
for j in range(0, vector_size):
vec[j] = vec[j] / count
for j in range(0, vector_size):
elem = random.random()
vec[j] = float(elem)
word_vectors[word] = vec
return vec
def type_matrix(all_type_list, all_type_structure_list, word_2_vec_file, context):
word_vectors, vector_size = load_word_vec(word_2_vec_file)
num_of_types = len(all_type_list)
rep_size = vector_size * 2
input_type_structure_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_of_types, rep_size * context))
input_type_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_of_types, vector_size))
for i in range(0, num_of_types):
type = all_type_list[str(i + 1)]
type_vec = get_word_vec(type, word_vectors, vector_size)
for j in range(0, vector_size):
input_type_matrix[i, j] = type_vec[j]
type_structures = all_type_structure_list[str(i + 1)]
while len(type_structures) < context:
type_structures.append("PADDING" + "\t" + "PADDING")
for j in range(0, context):
structure = type_structures[j]
parts = structure.strip().split("\t")
vec1 = get_word_vec(parts[0], word_vectors, vector_size)
vec2 = get_word_vec(parts[1], word_vectors, vector_size)
for m in range(0, vector_size):
input_type_structure_matrix[i, j * rep_size + m] = vec1[m]
input_type_structure_matrix[i, j * rep_size + vector_size + m] = vec2[m]
return input_type_matrix, input_type_structure_matrix
def read_arg_paths(file_name):
f = open(file_name, 'r')
index_2_path = {}
index_2_arg = {}
type_2_arg_2_index = {}
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
index = parts[0]
type = parts[1]
nor_type = parts[2]
arg = parts[3]
normalize_arg = parts[4]
path = type + "\t" + normalize_arg
index_2_path[index] = path
index_2_arg[index] = normalize_arg
if type_2_arg_2_index.has_key(nor_type):
arg_2_index = type_2_arg_2_index[nor_type]
arg_2_index[arg] = index
type_2_arg_2_index[nor_type] = arg_2_index
arg_2_index = {arg: index}
type_2_arg_2_index[nor_type] = arg_2_index
return index_2_path, index_2_arg, type_2_arg_2_index
def load_arg_data(file_name):
f = open(file_name, 'r')
trigger_list = []
trigger_type_list = []
arg_list = []
arg_path_left_list = []
arg_path_rel_list = []
arg_path_right_list = []
arg_role_list = []
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split(" :: ")
# print line
if len(parts) < 7:
print "<7 " + str(line)
trigger = parts[3]
trigger_type = parts[2]
arg = parts[6]
arg_path = parts[7]
arg_role = parts[5]
path_left_list = []
path_rel_list = []
path_right_list = []
paths = arg_path.strip().split('\t')
for structure in paths:
structure_array = structure.strip().split('##')
left_word = structure_array[0]
rel = structure_array[1]
right_word = structure_array[2]
return trigger_list, trigger_type_list, arg_list, arg_path_left_list, arg_path_rel_list, arg_path_right_list, \
def get_types_for_train(train_type_flag, type_label_file):
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(type_label_file)
types = []
for i in range(len(type_2_index)):
f = open(train_type_flag, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
type = parts[0].lower()
index = type_2_index[type]
index1 = int(index) - 1
types[index1] = 1
return types
def input_arg_matrix(trigger_list, trigger_type_list, arg_list, arg_path_left_list, arg_path_rel_list,
arg_path_right_list, arg_role_list, word_2_vec, role_list, trigger_role_2_index, vector_size,
context_size, relation_size, rel_2_index, roles_flag, trigger_role_matrix, label_file):
num_samples = len(arg_list)
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(label_file)
print "processing" + str(num_samples) + " examples per epoch"
# index2Path, index2Arg, type2Arg2Index = readArgPaths(argPathFile)
arg_size = len(role_list)
vector_size_1 = vector_size * 2
pos_neg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, 1))
intput_arg_context_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, vector_size_1 * context_size))
input_arg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, vector_size * 1))
role_index_matrix = []
role_vector_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, arg_size * 1))
relation_binary_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, relation_size * context_size))
limited_roles_train_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, arg_size))
for sample in range(0, num_samples):
left_word = arg_path_left_list[sample]
relation = arg_path_rel_list[sample]
right_word = arg_path_right_list[sample]
arg = arg_list[sample]
role = arg_role_list[sample]
trigger_type = trigger_type_list[sample]
trigger_type_lower = trigger_type.lower()
trigger_index = int(type_2_index[trigger_type_lower]) - 1
limited_roles = trigger_role_matrix[trigger_index, :]
limited_roles_train_matrix[sample, :] = limited_roles
role_lower = role.lower()
role_index = 0
key1 = role_lower
key2 = trigger_type_lower + "##" + role_lower
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(key1):
role_index = trigger_role_2_index[key1]
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(key2):
role_index = trigger_role_2_index[key2]
role_index_tmp = int(role_index)
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(arg_size, 1))
for m in range(0, arg_size):
matrix[m, 0] = 0
role_index_1 = int(role_index) - 1
matrix[role_index_1, 0] = 1
pos_neg_matrix[sample, 0] = roles_flag[role_index_1]
# each relation will be annotated as a binary vector amond all types
while len(left_word) < context_size:
matrix_word_pair = get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_2_vec, vector_size, context_size)
matrix_word_pair = numpy.reshape(matrix_word_pair, vector_size_1 * context_size)
intput_arg_context_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_word_pair
matrix_arg = get_input_trigger_matrix(arg, word_2_vec, vector_size)
matrix_arg = numpy.reshape(matrix_arg, vector_size * 1)
input_arg_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_arg
matrix_relation = get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index)
matrix_relation = numpy.reshape(matrix_relation, relation_size * context_size)
relation_binary_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_relation
matrix = numpy.reshape(matrix, arg_size)
role_vector_matrix[sample, :] = matrix
return role_index_matrix, role_vector_matrix, intput_arg_context_matrix, input_arg_matrix, relation_binary_matrix, \
pos_neg_matrix, limited_roles_train_matrix
def input_arg_matrix_test(trigger_list, trigger_type_list, arg_list, arg_path_left_list, arg_path_rel_list,
arg_path_right_list, arg_role_list, word_2_vec, role_list, trigger_role_2_index, vector_size,
context_size, relation_size, rel_2_index, roles_flag, trigger_role_matrix, label_file):
num_samples = len(arg_list)
type_2_index, index_2_type = read_type_index(label_file)
print "processing" + str(num_samples) + " examples per epoch"
arg_size = len(role_list)
vector_size_1 = vector_size * 2
pos_neg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, 1))
intput_arg_context_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, vector_size_1 * context_size))
input_arg_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, vector_size * 1))
role_index_matrix = []
role_vector_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, arg_size * 1))
relation_binary_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, relation_size * context_size))
limited_roles_train_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_samples, arg_size))
for sample in range(0, num_samples):
left_word = arg_path_left_list[sample]
relation = arg_path_rel_list[sample]
right_word = arg_path_right_list[sample]
arg = arg_list[sample]
role = arg_role_list[sample]
trigger_type = trigger_type_list[sample]
trigger_type_lower = trigger_type.lower()
trigger_index = int(type_2_index[trigger_type_lower]) - 1
limited_roles = trigger_role_matrix[trigger_index, :]
limited_roles_train_matrix[sample, :] = limited_roles
role_lower = role.lower()
role_index = 0
key1 = role_lower
key2 = trigger_type_lower + "##" + role_lower
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(key1):
role_index = trigger_role_2_index[key1]
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(key2):
role_index = trigger_role_2_index[key2]
role_index_tmp = int(role_index)
matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(arg_size, 1))
for m in range(0, arg_size):
matrix[m, 0] = 0
role_index_1 = int(role_index) - 1
matrix[role_index_1, 0] = 1
pos_neg_matrix[sample, 0] = roles_flag[role_index_1]
# each relation will be annotated as a binary vector amond all types
while len(left_word) < context_size:
matrix_word_pair = get_input_context_matrix(left_word, right_word, word_2_vec, vector_size, context_size)
matrix_word_pair = numpy.reshape(matrix_word_pair, vector_size_1 * context_size)
intput_arg_context_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_word_pair
matrix_arg = get_input_trigger_matrix(arg, word_2_vec, vector_size)
matrix_arg = numpy.reshape(matrix_arg, vector_size * 1)
input_arg_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_arg
matrix_relation = get_binary_relation_matrix(relation, relation_size, context_size, rel_2_index)
matrix_relation = numpy.reshape(matrix_relation, relation_size * context_size)
relation_binary_matrix[sample, :] = matrix_relation
matrix = numpy.reshape(matrix, arg_size)
role_vector_matrix[sample, :] = matrix
return role_index_matrix, role_vector_matrix, intput_arg_context_matrix, input_arg_matrix, relation_binary_matrix, \
pos_neg_matrix, limited_roles_train_matrix
def load_roles(arg_path_file_specific, arg_path_file_generic):
f1 = open(arg_path_file_specific, 'r')
f2 = open(arg_path_file_generic, 'r')
all_arg_role_list = {}
index_2_role = {}
trigger_role_2_index = {}
index_2_norm_role = {}
trigger_norm_role_2_index = {}
for line in f1:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
index = parts[0]
ori_type = parts[1]
norm_type = parts[2]
ori_role = parts[3]
norm_role = parts[4]
all_arg_role_list[index] = norm_role
index_2_role[index] = ori_role
trigger_role = str(ori_type) + "##" + str(ori_role)
trigger_role_2_index[trigger_role] = index
index_2_norm_role[index] = norm_role
trigger_norm_role = str(ori_type) + "##" + str(norm_role)
trigger_norm_role_2_index[trigger_norm_role] = index
for line in f2:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
index = parts[0]
ori_role = parts[1]
norm_role = parts[1]
all_arg_role_list[index] = norm_role
index_2_role[index] = ori_role
trigger_role_2_index[ori_role] = index
index_2_norm_role[index] = norm_role
trigger_norm_role_2_index[norm_role] = index
return all_arg_role_list, index_2_role, trigger_role_2_index, index_2_norm_role, trigger_norm_role_2_index
def load_roles_1(arg_path_file_merge):
f1 = open(arg_path_file_merge, 'r')
all_arg_role_list = {}
all_trigger_role_structure = {}
index_2_role = {}
trigger_role_2_index = {}
index_2_norm_role = {}
trigger_norm_role_2_index = {}
for line in f1:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
index = parts[0]
ori_type = parts[1]
norm_type = parts[2]
ori_role = parts[3]
norm_role = parts[4]
all_arg_role_list[index] = norm_role
index_2_role[index] = ori_role
trigger_role = str(ori_type) + "##" + str(ori_role)
trigger_role_2_index[trigger_role] = index
index_2_norm_role[index] = norm_role
trigger_norm_role = str(ori_type) + "##" + str(norm_role)
trigger_norm_role_2_index[trigger_norm_role] = index
structure = []
structure.append(norm_type + "\t" + norm_role)
all_trigger_role_structure[index] = structure
return all_arg_role_list, all_trigger_role_structure, index_2_role, trigger_role_2_index, index_2_norm_role, \
def get_trigger_arg_matrix(trigger_role_matrix_file, type_size, role_size):
trigger_role_matrix = numpy.zeros(shape=(type_size, role_size))
f = open(trigger_role_matrix_file, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
trigger_index = int(parts[0]) - 1;
units = parts[1].strip().split(' ')
for i in range(0, len(units)):
arg_index = int(units[i]) - 1
trigger_role_matrix[trigger_index, arg_index] = 1
return trigger_role_matrix
def role_matrix(all_arg_role_list, word_vector_file_type):
word_vectors, vector_size = load_word_vec(word_vector_file_type)
num_of_roles = len(all_arg_role_list)
rep_size = vector_size * 2
input_role_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_of_roles, vector_size))
for i in range(0, num_of_roles):
role = all_arg_role_list[str(i + 1)]
role_vec = get_word_vec(role, word_vectors, vector_size)
for j in range(0, vector_size):
input_role_matrix[i, j] = role_vec[j]
return input_role_matrix
def role_matrix_1(all_arg_role_list, all_type_role_structure, word_vector_file_type, role_structure_context_size):
word_vectors, vector_size = load_word_vec(word_vector_file_type)
num_of_roles = len(all_arg_role_list)
rep_size = vector_size * 2
input_role_structure_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_of_roles, rep_size * role_structure_context_size))
input_role_matrix = numpy.empty(shape=(num_of_roles, vector_size))
for i in range(0, num_of_roles):
role = all_arg_role_list[str(i + 1)]
roleVec = get_word_vec(role, word_vectors, vector_size)
for j in range(0, vector_size):
input_role_matrix[i, j] = roleVec[j]
role_structures = all_type_role_structure[str(i + 1)]
while len(role_structures) < role_structure_context_size:
role_structures.append("PADDING" + "\t" + "PADDING")
for j in range(0, role_structure_context_size):
structure = role_structures[j]
parts = structure.strip().split("\t")
vec1 = get_word_vec(parts[0], word_vectors, vector_size)
vec2 = get_word_vec(parts[1], word_vectors, vector_size)
for m in range(0, vector_size):
input_role_structure_matrix[i, j * rep_size + m] = vec1[m]
input_role_structure_matrix[i, j * rep_size + vector_size + m] = vec2[m]
return input_role_matrix, input_role_structure_matrix
def get_roles_for_train(train_role_flag, arg_path_file_specific, arg_path_file_generic):
all_arg_role_list, index_2_role, trigger_role_2_index, index_2_norm_role, trigger_norm_role_2_index = \
load_roles(arg_path_file_specific, arg_path_file_generic)
types = []
for i in range(0, len(index_2_role)):
f = open(train_role_flag, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
type = parts[1].lower()
for i in range(2, len(parts)):
role = parts[i]
trigger_role = type + "##" + role
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(role):
index = int(trigger_role_2_index[role]) - 1
types[index] = 1
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(trigger_role):
index = int(trigger_role_2_index[trigger_role]) - 1
types[index] = 1
return types
def get_roles_for_train_1(train_role_flag, arg_path_file_merge):
all_arg_role_list, all_trigger_role_structure, index_2_role, trigger_role_2_index, index_2_norm_role, \
trigger_norm_role_2_index = load_roles_1(arg_path_file_merge)
types = []
for i in range(0, len(index_2_role)):
f = open(train_role_flag, 'r')
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split("\t")
type = parts[1].lower()
for i in range(2, len(parts)):
role = parts[i]
trigger_role = type + "##" + role
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(role):
index = int(trigger_role_2_index[role]) - 1
types[index] = 1
if trigger_role_2_index.has_key(trigger_role):
index = int(trigger_role_2_index[trigger_role]) - 1
types[index] = 1
return types