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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers import fully_connected
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, precision_score, recall_score
from preprocess import *
class MICNN():
def __init__(self, params, vocabs, my_embeddings=None):
self.params = params
self.vocabs = vocabs
for key in params:
setattr(self, key, params[key])
if self.pretrain:
self.my_embeddings = my_embeddings
def build_embedding(self):
if self.pretrain:
embedding_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
[len(self.vocabs), self.embedding_size])
embedding_placeholder = tf.get_variable("embedding", initializer=tf.random_uniform(
[len(self.vocabs), self.embedding_size], -1, 1), dtype=tf.float32)
return embedding_placeholder
def build(self):
# length of each sentence in the whole batch
self.sequence_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None])
self.article_lens = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None])
# input data is in form of [batch_size, article_len, sentence_len]
self.train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None, None])
self.embedding_placeholder = self.build_embedding()
self.embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding_placeholder, self.train_inputs)
self.output = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None])
self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
shape = tf.shape(self.embed)
# the inputs are reshaped to [all sentences, sentence_len] to be passed to LSTM
embed = tf.reshape(self.embed, [shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2], self.embedding_size])
self.sequence_length = tf.reshape(self.sequence_length, [tf.shape(embed)[0]])
f_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(num_units=self.hidden_size)
f_cell_drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(f_cell, input_keep_prob=self.keep_ratio)
self.f_network = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([f_cell_drop] * self.num_layers)
b_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(num_units=self.hidden_size, reuse=False )
b_cell_drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(b_cell, input_keep_prob=self.keep_ratio)
self.b_network = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([b_cell_drop] * self.num_layers)
bi_outputs, bi_states = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(self.f_network, self.b_network,
embed, dtype=tf.float32,
fw_states, bw_states = bi_states
state = tf.concat([fw_states, bw_states], 2)
state = tf.reshape(state, [shape[0], shape[1], 2 * self.hidden_size, 1])
# CNN on top of Bi-LSTM to get the article features
art_pooled_outputs = list()
for i, art_filter_size in enumerate(self.art_filter_sizes):
filter_shape = [art_filter_size, 2 * self.hidden_size, 1, self.art_num_filters]
art_b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.art_num_filters]))
art_W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(filter_shape, stddev=0.1), name="art_W")
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(state, art_W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="VALID")
relu = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, art_b))
pooled = tf.reduce_max(relu, axis=1, keep_dims=True)
art_num_filters_total = self.art_num_filters * len(self.art_filter_sizes)
# [batch_size, art_num_filters]
self.art_pool = tf.reshape(tf.concat(art_pooled_outputs, 3), [shape[0], 1, art_num_filters_total])
# [batch_size, sentences, num_filters]
self.local = tf.reshape(state, [shape[0], -1, 2 * self.hidden_size])
# context vector for each sentence
# [batch_size, sentences, art_num_filters]
self.context = tf.tile(self.art_pool, [1, shape[1], 1])
# [batch_size, num_filters + art_num_filters]
self.sentence = tf.concat([self.local, self.context], 2)
self.drop = tf.reshape(self.sentence, [shape[0], shape[1] , 2 * self.hidden_size + art_num_filters_total])
self.drop = tf.nn.dropout(self.drop, keep_prob=self.keep_ratio)
self.fc_drop = fully_connected(self.drop, 1, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
a = tf.reshape(self.fc_drop, [shape[0], shape[1]])
b = tf.cast(2, tf.int32)
#[batch_size, 2]
self.highests = tf.nn.top_k(a, b)
self.logits1 = tf.reduce_mean(self.highests.values, axis=1)
self.best_sentences = self.highests.indices
self.logits0 = tf.ones_like(self.logits1) - self.logits1
self.logits = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(self.logits0, 1), tf.expand_dims(self.logits1, 1)], 1)
self.softmax = tf.nn.softmax(self.logits)
self.xentropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.output,
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.xentropy)
self.predicted_label = tf.argmax(self.logits, 1)
self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.cast(tf.equal(self.predicted_label, self.output), tf.float32))
self.training_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)
def predict(self, unlabeled_batches, active_learning=False):
hate_pred, indices_pred, hate_prob = list(), list(), list()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as self.sess:
saver.restore(self.sess, "model/" + self.dataset + "/MICNN/micnn_model_2.ckpt")
for i in range(len(unlabeled_batches) // 5000 + 1):
print("Gathering labels for 5000 datapoints, batch #", i)
sub = unlabeled_batches[i * 5000: min((i + 1) * 5000, len(unlabeled_batches))]
batches = BatchIt(sub, self.batch_size, self.vocabs, True)
for batch in batches:
feed_dict = {self.train_inputs: np.array([b["article"] for b in batch]),
self.sequence_length: np.array([l for b in batch for l in b["lengths"]]),
self.keep_prob: 1,
self.article_lens: np.array([b["sent_lengths"] for b in batch])
if self.pretrain:
feed_dict[self.embedding_placeholder] = self.my_embeddings
hate, indices, prob = self.sess.run([self.predicted_label, self.best_sentences, self.softmax],
if active_learning:
return hate_pred, indices_pred, hate_prob
return hate_pred, indices_pred
def get_feed_dict(self, batch, train=True):
feed_dict = {self.train_inputs: np.array([b["article"] for b in batch]),
self.sequence_length: np.array([l for b in batch for l in b["lengths"]]),
self.keep_prob: self.keep_ratio if train else 1,
self.output: np.array([b["labels"] for b in batch]),
self.article_lens: np.array([b["sent_lengths"] for b in batch])
if self.pretrain:
feed_dict[self.embedding_placeholder] = self.my_embeddings
return feed_dict
def run_model(self, batches, dev_batches, test_batches):
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as self.sess:
# init.run()
epoch = 1
while True:
## Train
epoch_loss, train_accuracy, test_accuracy = 0, 0, 0
for batch in batches:
feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch)
loss_val, _, train_val = self.sess.run([self.loss, self.training_op, self.accuracy],
train_accuracy += train_val
epoch_loss += loss_val
## Dev
for batch in dev_batches:
feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch, False)
test_accuracy += self.accuracy.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict)
print(epoch, "Train accuracy:", train_accuracy / len(batches),
"Loss:", epoch_loss / float(len(batches)),
"Dev accuracy:", test_accuracy / len(dev_batches))
epoch += 1
if epoch == self.epochs:
save_path = saver.save(self.sess, "model/" + self.dataset + "/MICNN/micnn_model_2.ckpt")
test_accuracy = 0
hate_pred, hate_true = list(), list()
for batch in test_batches:
test_val, hate = self.sess.run([self.accuracy, self.predicted_label],
feed_dict=self.get_feed_dict(batch, False))
test_accuracy += test_val
hate_true.extend([b["labels"] for b in batch])
print("Test accuracy:", test_accuracy / len(test_batches),
"F1:", f1_score(hate_true, hate_pred, average="binary"),
"Precision", precision_score(hate_true, hate_pred),
"Recall", recall_score(hate_true, hate_pred))
return self.get_sentences(batches, dev_batches, test_batches)
def get_sentences(self, train_batches, dev_batches, test_batches):
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as self.sess:
saver.restore(self.sess, "model/" + self.dataset + "/MICNN/micnn_model_2.ckpt")
train_sent, dev_sent, test_sent = list(), list(), list()
for batch in train_batches:
feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch)
train_sent.extend(list(self.sess.run(self.best_sentences, feed_dict=feed_dict)))
for batch in dev_batches:
feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch, False)
dev_sent.extend(list(self.sess.run(self.best_sentences, feed_dict=feed_dict)))
for batch in test_batches:
feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch, False)
test_sent.extend(list(self.sess.run(self.best_sentences, feed_dict=feed_dict)))
return train_sent, dev_sent, test_sent