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2019-12-12 19:37:32 +08:00
# -*- encoding:utf -*-
This script provides an K-BERT example for NER.
import random
import argparse
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss
from uer.model_builder import build_model
from uer.utils.config import load_hyperparam
from uer.utils.optimizers import BertAdam
from uer.utils.constants import *
from uer.utils.vocab import Vocab
from uer.utils.seed import set_seed
from uer.model_saver import save_model
import numpy as np
from brain import KnowledgeGraph
class BertTagger(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args, model):
super(BertTagger, self).__init__()
self.embedding = model.embedding
self.encoder = model.encoder
self.target = model.target
self.labels_num = args.labels_num
self.output_layer = nn.Linear(args.hidden_size, self.labels_num)
self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=-1)
def forward(self, src, label, mask, pos=None, vm=None):
src: [batch_size x seq_length]
label: [batch_size x seq_length]
mask: [batch_size x seq_length]
loss: Sequence labeling loss.
correct: Number of labels that are predicted correctly.
predict: Predicted label.
label: Gold label.
# Embedding.
emb = self.embedding(src, mask, pos)
# Encoder.
output = self.encoder(emb, mask, vm)
# Target.
output = self.output_layer(output)
output = output.contiguous().view(-1, self.labels_num)
output = self.softmax(output)
label = label.contiguous().view(-1,1)
label_mask = (label > 0).float().to(torch.device(label.device))
one_hot = torch.zeros(label_mask.size(0), self.labels_num). \
to(torch.device(label.device)). \
scatter_(1, label, 1.0)
numerator = -torch.sum(output * one_hot, 1)
label_mask = label_mask.contiguous().view(-1)
label = label.contiguous().view(-1)
numerator = torch.sum(label_mask * numerator)
denominator = torch.sum(label_mask) + 1e-6
loss = numerator / denominator
predict = output.argmax(dim=-1)
correct = torch.sum(
label_mask * (predict.eq(label)).float()
return loss, correct, predict, label
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
# Path options.
parser.add_argument("--pretrained_model_path", default=None, type=str,
help="Path of the pretrained model.")
parser.add_argument("--output_model_path", default="./models/tagger_model.bin", type=str,
help="Path of the output model.")
parser.add_argument("--vocab_path", default="./models/google_vocab.txt", type=str,
help="Path of the vocabulary file.")
parser.add_argument("--train_path", type=str, required=True,
help="Path of the trainset.")
parser.add_argument("--dev_path", type=str, required=True,
help="Path of the devset.")
parser.add_argument("--test_path", type=str, required=True,
help="Path of the testset.")
parser.add_argument("--config_path", default="./models/google_config.json", type=str,
help="Path of the config file.")
# Model options.
parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=16,
parser.add_argument("--seq_length", default=256, type=int,
help="Sequence length.")
parser.add_argument("--encoder", choices=["bert", "lstm", "gru", \
"cnn", "gatedcnn", "attn", \
"rcnn", "crnn", "gpt", "bilstm"], \
default="bert", help="Encoder type.")
parser.add_argument("--bidirectional", action="store_true", help="Specific to recurrent model.")
# Subword options.
parser.add_argument("--subword_type", choices=["none", "char"], default="none",
help="Subword feature type.")
parser.add_argument("--sub_vocab_path", type=str, default="models/sub_vocab.txt",
help="Path of the subword vocabulary file.")
parser.add_argument("--subencoder", choices=["avg", "lstm", "gru", "cnn"], default="avg",
help="Subencoder type.")
parser.add_argument("--sub_layers_num", type=int, default=2, help="The number of subencoder layers.")
# Optimizer options.
parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", type=float, default=2e-5,
help="Learning rate.")
parser.add_argument("--warmup", type=float, default=0.1,
help="Warm up value.")
# Training options.
parser.add_argument("--dropout", type=float, default=0.1,
parser.add_argument("--epochs_num", type=int, default=5,
help="Number of epochs.")
parser.add_argument("--report_steps", type=int, default=100,
help="Specific steps to print prompt.")
parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=7,
help="Random seed.")
# kg
parser.add_argument("--kg_name", required=True, help="KG name or path")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load the hyperparameters of the config file.
args = load_hyperparam(args)
labels_map = {"[PAD]": 0, "[ENT]": 1}
begin_ids = []
# Find tagging labels
with open(args.train_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line_id, line in enumerate(f):
if line_id == 0:
labels = line.strip().split("\t")[1].split()
for l in labels:
if l not in labels_map:
if l.startswith("B") or l.startswith("S"):
labels_map[l] = len(labels_map)
print("Labels: ", labels_map)
args.labels_num = len(labels_map)
# Load vocabulary.
vocab = Vocab()
args.vocab = vocab
# Build knowledge graph.
if args.kg_name == 'none':
spo_files = []
spo_files = [args.kg_name]
kg = KnowledgeGraph(spo_files=spo_files, predicate=False)
# Build bert model.
# A pseudo target is added.
args.target = "bert"
model = build_model(args)
# Load or initialize parameters.
if args.pretrained_model_path is not None:
# Initialize with pretrained model.
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.pretrained_model_path), strict=False)
# Initialize with normal distribution.
for n, p in list(model.named_parameters()):
if 'gamma' not in n and 'beta' not in n:
p.data.normal_(0, 0.02)
# Build sequence labeling model.
model = BertTagger(args, model)
# For simplicity, we use DataParallel wrapper to use multiple GPUs.
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
print("{} GPUs are available. Let's use them.".format(torch.cuda.device_count()))
model = nn.DataParallel(model)
model = model.to(device)
# Datset loader.
def batch_loader(batch_size, input_ids, label_ids, mask_ids, pos_ids, vm_ids, tag_ids):
instances_num = input_ids.size()[0]
for i in range(instances_num // batch_size):
input_ids_batch = input_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :]
label_ids_batch = label_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :]
mask_ids_batch = mask_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :]
pos_ids_batch = pos_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :]
vm_ids_batch = vm_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :, :]
tag_ids_batch = tag_ids[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size, :]
yield input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch, tag_ids_batch
if instances_num > instances_num // batch_size * batch_size:
input_ids_batch = input_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :]
label_ids_batch = label_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :]
mask_ids_batch = mask_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :]
pos_ids_batch = pos_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :]
vm_ids_batch = vm_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :, :]
tag_ids_batch = tag_ids[instances_num//batch_size*batch_size:, :]
yield input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch, tag_ids_batch
# Read dataset.
def read_dataset(path):
dataset = []
with open(path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
tokens, labels = [], []
for line_id, line in enumerate(f):
tokens, labels = line.strip().split("\t")
text = ''.join(tokens.split(" "))
tokens, pos, vm, tag = kg.add_knowledge_with_vm([text], add_pad=True, max_length=args.seq_length)
tokens = tokens[0]
pos = pos[0]
vm = vm[0].astype("bool")
tag = tag[0]
tokens = [vocab.get(t) for t in tokens]
labels = [labels_map[l] for l in labels.split(" ")]
mask = [1] * len(tokens)
new_labels = []
j = 0
for i in range(len(tokens)):
if tag[i] == 0 and tokens[i] != PAD_ID:
j += 1
elif tag[i] == 1 and tokens[i] != PAD_ID: # 是添加的实体
dataset.append([tokens, new_labels, mask, pos, vm, tag])
return dataset
# Evaluation function.
def evaluate(args, is_test):
if is_test:
dataset = read_dataset(args.test_path)
dataset = read_dataset(args.dev_path)
input_ids = torch.LongTensor([sample[0] for sample in dataset])
label_ids = torch.LongTensor([sample[1] for sample in dataset])
mask_ids = torch.LongTensor([sample[2] for sample in dataset])
pos_ids = torch.LongTensor([sample[3] for sample in dataset])
vm_ids = torch.BoolTensor([sample[4] for sample in dataset])
tag_ids = torch.LongTensor([sample[5] for sample in dataset])
instances_num = input_ids.size(0)
batch_size = args.batch_size
if is_test:
print("Batch size: ", batch_size)
print("The number of test instances:", instances_num)
correct = 0
gold_entities_num = 0
pred_entities_num = 0
confusion = torch.zeros(len(labels_map), len(labels_map), dtype=torch.long)
for i, (input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch, tag_ids_batch) in enumerate(batch_loader(batch_size, input_ids, label_ids, mask_ids, pos_ids, vm_ids, tag_ids)):
input_ids_batch = input_ids_batch.to(device)
label_ids_batch = label_ids_batch.to(device)
mask_ids_batch = mask_ids_batch.to(device)
pos_ids_batch = pos_ids_batch.to(device)
tag_ids_batch = tag_ids_batch.to(device)
vm_ids_batch = vm_ids_batch.long().to(device)
loss, _, pred, gold = model(input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch)
for j in range(gold.size()[0]):
if gold[j].item() in begin_ids:
gold_entities_num += 1
for j in range(pred.size()[0]):
if pred[j].item() in begin_ids and gold[j].item() != labels_map["[PAD]"]:
pred_entities_num += 1
pred_entities_pos = []
gold_entities_pos = []
start, end = 0, 0
for j in range(gold.size()[0]):
if gold[j].item() in begin_ids:
start = j
for k in range(j+1, gold.size()[0]):
if gold[k].item() == labels_map['[ENT]']:
if gold[k].item() == labels_map["[PAD]"] or gold[k].item() == labels_map["O"] or gold[k].item() in begin_ids:
end = k - 1
end = gold.size()[0] - 1
gold_entities_pos.append((start, end))
for j in range(pred.size()[0]):
if pred[j].item() in begin_ids and gold[j].item() != labels_map["[PAD]"] and gold[j].item() != labels_map["[ENT]"]:
start = j
for k in range(j+1, pred.size()[0]):
if gold[k].item() == labels_map['[ENT]']:
if pred[k].item() == labels_map["[PAD]"] or pred[k].item() == labels_map["O"] or pred[k].item() in begin_ids:
end = k - 1
end = pred.size()[0] - 1
pred_entities_pos.append((start, end))
for entity in pred_entities_pos:
if entity not in gold_entities_pos:
correct += 1
print("Report precision, recall, and f1:")
p = correct/pred_entities_num
r = correct/gold_entities_num
f1 = 2*p*r/(p+r)
print("{:.3f}, {:.3f}, {:.3f}".format(p,r,f1))
return f1
# Training phase.
print("Start training.")
instances = read_dataset(args.train_path)
input_ids = torch.LongTensor([ins[0] for ins in instances])
label_ids = torch.LongTensor([ins[1] for ins in instances])
mask_ids = torch.LongTensor([ins[2] for ins in instances])
pos_ids = torch.LongTensor([ins[3] for ins in instances])
vm_ids = torch.BoolTensor([ins[4] for ins in instances])
tag_ids = torch.LongTensor([ins[5] for ins in instances])
instances_num = input_ids.size(0)
batch_size = args.batch_size
train_steps = int(instances_num * args.epochs_num / batch_size) + 1
print("Batch size: ", batch_size)
print("The number of training instances:", instances_num)
param_optimizer = list(model.named_parameters())
no_decay = ['bias', 'gamma', 'beta']
optimizer_grouped_parameters = [
{'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.01},
{'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay_rate': 0.0}
optimizer = BertAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=args.learning_rate, warmup=args.warmup, t_total=train_steps)
total_loss = 0.
f1 = 0.0
best_f1 = 0.0
for epoch in range(1, args.epochs_num+1):
for i, (input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch, tag_ids_batch) in enumerate(batch_loader(batch_size, input_ids, label_ids, mask_ids, pos_ids, vm_ids, tag_ids)):
input_ids_batch = input_ids_batch.to(device)
label_ids_batch = label_ids_batch.to(device)
mask_ids_batch = mask_ids_batch.to(device)
pos_ids_batch = pos_ids_batch.to(device)
tag_ids_batch = tag_ids_batch.to(device)
vm_ids_batch = vm_ids_batch.long().to(device)
loss, _, _, _ = model(input_ids_batch, label_ids_batch, mask_ids_batch, pos_ids_batch, vm_ids_batch)
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
loss = torch.mean(loss)
total_loss += loss.item()
if (i + 1) % args.report_steps == 0:
print("Epoch id: {}, Training steps: {}, Avg loss: {:.3f}".format(epoch, i+1, total_loss / args.report_steps))
total_loss = 0.
# Evaluation phase.
print("Start evaluate on dev dataset.")
f1 = evaluate(args, False)
print("Start evaluation on test dataset.")
evaluate(args, True)
if f1 > best_f1:
best_f1 = f1
save_model(model, args.output_model_path)
# Evaluation phase.
print("Final evaluation on test dataset.")
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
evaluate(args, True)
if __name__ == "__main__":