The *mirand* algorithm learns continuous representations for nodes in any (un)directed, (un)weighted graph. ### Environment Set-up **Use python version 2.7** - Clone the repository. - Navigate to the base directory of mirand (the download location) - Create a virtual environment using the following command:
``virtualenv venv``
(If **virtualenv** package is not installed, please install using pip) - Activate the environment using:
``source venv/bin/activate`` - Install required python modules to run the code.
``pip install -r requirements.txt`` Congratulations!! You are now setup to run the code. ### Basic Usage #### Input - Look at the sample dataset cora (residing inside data directory). If you want to experiment on different datasets, create a folder with name of your dataset. - Two files are required to run and generate the embedding - edgelist file for structure graph and edgelist file for content graph - Naming convention for link structure layer: *_struc.edgelist* - Naming convention for content/attribute layer: *_attr.edgelist* #### Example To run **mirand** on *cora* network, execute the following command from **src** directory inside the project home path:
``python --input-struc ../data/cora/cora_struc.edgelist --input-attr ../data/cora/cora_attr.edgelist --output ../data/cora/cora.embed --dataset=cora --dimensions=128`` #### Options You can check out the other options available to use with *mirand* using:
``python src/ --help`` #### Input The supported input format is an edgelist: node1_id_int node2_id_int The graph is assumed to be undirected and unweighted by default. These options can be changed by setting the appropriate flags. #### Output The output file has *n+1* lines for a graph with *n* vertices. The first line has the following format: num_of_nodes dim_of_representation The next *n* lines are as follows: node_id dim1 dim2 ... dimd where dim1, ... , dimd is the *d*-dimensional representation learned by *mirand*.