parallel walker

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Dongzy 2018-11-17 21:39:30 +08:00
parent b046b20090
commit cbf674e3cd

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import multiprocessing
import random
import time
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
from networkx import nx
@ -40,105 +40,70 @@ class BiasedWalker: # ------ our method
# alias sampling for ABRW-------------------------------------------------------------------
def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length):
self.P_G = nx.to_networkx_graph(self.P, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) # create a new nx graph based on ABRW transition prob matrix
global P_G
P_G = self.P_G
t1 = time.time()
self.preprocess_transition_probs() # note: we simply adapt node2vec
t2 = time.time()
global alias_nodes
alias_nodes = self.alias_nodes
print('Time for construct alias table: {:.2f}'.format(t2-t1))
walks = []
nodes = list(self.P_G.nodes())
print('Walk iteration:')
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.workers)
for walk_iter in range(num_walks):
print(str(walk_iter+1), '/', str(num_walks))
for node in nodes:
walks.append(self.node2vec_walk(walk_length=walk_length, start_node=node))
# random.shuffle(nodes)
walks +=, walk_length=walk_length), nodes)
del alias_nodes, P_G
for i in range(len(walks)): # use ind to retrive orignal node ID
for j in range(len(walks[0])):
walks[i][j] = self.look_back_list[int(walks[i][j])]
return walks
def node2vec_walk(self, walk_length, start_node): # to do...
G = self.P_G # more efficient way instead of copy from node2vec
alias_nodes = self.alias_nodes
walk = [start_node]
while len(walk) < walk_length:
cur = walk[-1]
cur_nbrs = list(G.neighbors(cur))
if len(cur_nbrs) > 0:
walk.append(cur_nbrs[alias_draw(alias_nodes[cur][0], alias_nodes[cur][1])])
return walk
def preprocess_transition_probs(self):
G = self.P_G
alias_nodes = {}
for node in G.nodes():
unnormalized_probs = [G[node][nbr]['weight'] for nbr in G.neighbors(node)]
norm_const = sum(unnormalized_probs)
normalized_probs = [float(u_prob)/norm_const for u_prob in unnormalized_probs]
alias_nodes[node] = alias_setup(normalized_probs)
nodes = G.nodes()
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.workers)
alias_nodes = dict(zip(nodes,, nodes)))
self.alias_nodes = alias_nodes
#naive sampling for ABRW-------------------------------------------------------------------
def weighted_walk(self, start_node):
#Simulate a weighted walk starting from start node.
G = self.G
look_up_dict = self.look_up_dict
look_back_list = self.look_back_list
node_size = self.node_size
walk = [start_node]
def node2vec_walk(start_node, walk_length): # to do...
global P_G # more efficient way instead of copy from node2vec
global alias_nodes
walk = [start_node]
while len(walk) < walk_length:
cur = walk[-1]
cur_nbrs = list(P_G.neighbors(cur))
if len(cur_nbrs) > 0:
walk.append(cur_nbrs[alias_draw(alias_nodes[cur][0], alias_nodes[cur][1])])
return walk
while len(walk) < self.walk_length:
cur_node = walk[-1] #the last one entry/node
cur_ind = look_up_dict[cur_node] #key -> index
pdf = self.P[cur_ind,:] #the pdf of node with ind
#pdf = np.random.randn(18163)+10 #......test multiprocessor
#pdf = pdf / pdf.sum() #......test multiprocessor
#next_ind = int( np.array( nx.utils.random_sequence.discrete_sequence(n=1,distribution=pdf) ) )
next_ind = np.random.choice(len(pdf), 1, p=pdf)[0] #faster than nx
#next_ind = 0 #......test multiprocessor
next_node = look_back_list[next_ind] #index -> key
return walk
def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length):
#Repeatedly simulate weighted walks from each node.
G = self.G
self.num_walks = num_walks
self.walk_length = walk_length
self.walks = [] #what we all need later as input to skip-gram
nodes = list(G.nodes())
print('Walk iteration:')
for walk_iter in range(num_walks):
t1 = time.time()
for node in nodes: #for single cpu, if # of nodes < 2000 (speed up) or nodes > 20000 (avoid memory error)
self.walks.append(self.weighted_walk(node)) #for single cpu, if # of nodes < 2000 (speed up) or nodes > 20000 (avoid memory error)
#pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=3) #use all cpu by defalut or specify processes = xx
#self.walks.append(, nodes)) #ref:
t2 = time.time()
print(str(walk_iter+1), '/', str(num_walks), ' each itr last for: {:.2f}s'.format(t2-t1))
#self.walks = list(chain.from_iterable(self.walks)) #unlist...[[[x,x],[x,x]]] -> [x,x], [x,x]
return self.walks
def get_alias_node(node):
global P_G
unnormalized_probs = [P_G[node][nbr]['weight'] for nbr in P_G.neighbors(node)]
norm_const = sum(unnormalized_probs)
normalized_probs = [float(u_prob)/norm_const for u_prob in unnormalized_probs]
return alias_setup(normalized_probs)
# ===========================================deepWalk-walker============================================
class BasicWalker:
def __init__(self, G, workers):
self.G = G.G
self.node_size = G.get_num_nodes()
self.look_up_dict = G.look_up_dict
def deepwalk_walk(self, walk_length, start_node):