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Dongzy 2018-11-25 11:04:05 +08:00
commit a6314a62a7
8 changed files with 445 additions and 370 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ db.ini

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 THUNLP
Copyright (c) 2018 Chengbin HOU
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

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@ -1,30 +1,66 @@
# OpenANE: The first open source toolkit specialized in Attributed Network Embedding (ANE)
authors: Chengbin Hou & Zeyu Dong 2018
Email Correspondence: chengbin.hou10 AT
# OpenANE: The first open source framework specialized in Attributed Network Embedding (ANE)
We reproduce several ANE (Attributed Network Embedding) as well as PNE (Pure Network Embedding) methods in one framework, where they all share the same I/O and downstream tasks. We start this project based on the excellent [OpenNE]( project that integrates several PNE methods under the same framework. However, OpenANE not only integrates those PNE methods from OpenNE, but also provides the state-of-the-art ANE methods that consider both structural and attribute information during embedding.
## Methods
authors: Chengbin HOU ( & Zeyu DONG 2018
## Requirements
## Motivation
In many real-world scenarios, a network often comes with node attributes such as the paper's title in a citation network and user profiles in a social network. PNE methods that only consider structural information cannot make use of attribute information which may further improve the quality of node embedding.
From engineering perspective, by offering more APIs to handle attribute information in and, OpenANE shall be very easy to use for embedding an attributed network. Of course, OpenANE can also deal with pure network: 1) by calling PNE methods; and 2) by assigning ones as the attribute for all nodes and then calling ANE methods (but some ANE methods may fail).
## Methods (todo... Chengbin)
## Requirements (todo... Zeyu; double check)
pip install -r requirements.txt
## Usages
python src/ --method abrw
#### To obtain your node embeddings and evaluate them by classification downstream tasks
python src/ --method abrw --emb-file cora_abrw_emb --save-emb
#### To have an intuitive feeling of node embeddings (todo... Zeyu if possible; need tf installed)
python src/ --emb-file cora_abrw_emb --label-file data/cora_label
## Datasets
Refer to xxxxx for other datasets such as Citeseer, PubMed, Facebook_Stanford and Facebook_MIT.
## Parameters
#### the meaning of each parameter
please see
#### searching optimal value of parameter (todo... Chengbin)
## Acknowledgement
We start this project based on and thanks to their excellent project.
## Testing (todo... Zeyu)
Currently, we use the default parameter....
.... summary of parameters ....
.... table --- results ....
## Datasets (todo...Chengbin)
We provide Cora for ... and other datasets e.g. Facebook_MIT, refer to [NetEmb-Datasets](
### Your own dataset?
#### FILE for structural information (each row):
adjlist: node_id1 node_id2 node_id3 -> (the edges between (id1, id2) and (id1, id3))
OR edgelist: node_id1 node_id2 weight(optional) -> one edge (id1, id2)
#### FILE for attribute information (each row):
node_id1 attr1 attr2 ... attrM
#### FILE for label (each row):
node_id1 label(s)
## Want to contribute?
We highly welcome and appreciate your contributions on fixing bugs, reproducing new ANE methods, etc. And together, we hope this OpenANE framework would become influential on both academic research and industrial usage.
## Recommended References (todo... Chengbin)

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@ -1,86 +1,39 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tensorflow implementation of Social Network Embedding framework (SNE)
@author: Lizi Liao (
part of code was originally forked from
ANE method: Attributed Social Network Embedding (ASNE)
modified by Chengbin Hou 2018
1) convert OpenANE data format to ASNE data format
2) compatible with latest tensorflow 1.2
3) add more comments
4) support eval testing set during each xx epoches
5) as ASNE paper stated, we add two hidden layers with softsign activation func
2) compatible with latest tensorflow 1.10.0
3) add early stopping
4) as ASNE paper stated, we add two hidden layers with softsign activation func
part of code was originally forked from
import math
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from .classify import ncClassifier, lpClassifier, read_node_label
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
def format_data_from_OpenANE_to_ASNE(g, dim):
convert OpenANE data format to ASNE data format
g: OpenANE graph data structure
dim: final embedding dim
attr_Matrix = g.getX()
#attr_Matrix = g.preprocessAttrInfo(attr_Matrix, dim=200, method='svd') #similar to aane, the same preprocessing
#print('with this preprocessing, ASNE can get better result, as well as, faster speed----------------')
id_N = attr_Matrix.shape[0] #n nodes
attr_M = attr_Matrix.shape[1] #m features
edge_num = len(g.G.edges) #total edges for traning
X={} #one-to-one correspondence
X['data_id_list'] = np.zeros(edge_num) #start node list for traning
X['data_label_list'] = np.zeros(edge_num) #end node list for training
X['data_attr_list'] = np.zeros([edge_num, attr_M]) #attr corresponds to start node
edgelist = [edge for edge in g.G.edges]
i = 0
for edge in edgelist: #traning sample = start node, end node, start node attr
X['data_id_list'][i] = edge[0]
X['data_label_list'][i] = edge[1]
X['data_attr_list'][i] = attr_Matrix[ g.look_up_dict[edge[0]] ][:]
i += 1
X['data_id_list'] = X['data_id_list'].reshape(-1).astype(int)
X['data_label_list'] = X['data_label_list'].reshape(-1,1).astype(int)
nodes={} #one-to-one correspondence
nodes['node_id'] = g.look_back_list #n nodes
nodes['node_attr'] = list(attr_Matrix) #m features -> n*m
id_embedding_size = int(dim/2)
attr_embedding_size = int(dim/2)
print('id_embedding_size', id_embedding_size, 'attr_embedding_size', attr_embedding_size)
return X, nodes, id_N, attr_M, id_embedding_size, attr_embedding_size
def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=None):
# add one more layer and return the output of this layer
Weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([in_size, out_size], -1.0, 1.0)) #init as paper stated
biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size]) + 0.1)
Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(inputs, Weights) + biases
if activation_function is None:
outputs = Wx_plus_b
outputs = activation_function(Wx_plus_b)
return outputs
import time
#from .classify import ncClassifier, lpClassifier, read_node_label
#from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self, graph, dim, alpha = 1.0, batch_size=128, learning_rate=0.001,
n_neg_samples=10, epoch=100, random_seed=2018, X_test=0, Y_test=0, task='nc', nc_ratio=0.5, lp_ratio=0.9, label_file=''):
# bind params to class
def __init__(self, graph, dim, alpha=1.0, learning_rate=0.0001, batch_size=128, epoch=20, n_neg_samples=10,
early_stopping=2000): #it seems that overfitting can get better result? try other early_stopping... to do...
t1 = time.time()
X, nodes, id_N, attr_M, id_embedding_size, attr_embedding_size = format_data_from_OpenANE_to_ASNE(g=graph, dim=dim)
t2 = time.time()
print(f'transform data format from OpenANE to ASNE; time cost: {(t2-t1):.2f}s')
self.node_N = id_N #n
self.attr_M = attr_M #m
self.X_train = X #{'data_id_list': [], 'data_label_list': [], 'data_attr_list': []}
self.nodes = nodes #{'node_id': [], 'node_attr: []'}
self.id_embedding_size = id_embedding_size # set to dim/2
self.attr_embedding_size = attr_embedding_size # set to dim/2
self.vectors = {}
self.dim = dim
self.vectors = {} #final embs
self.look_back_list = graph.look_back_list #from OpenANE data stcuture
self.alpha = alpha #set to 1.0 by default
@ -88,19 +41,11 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
self.batch_size = batch_size #set to 128 by default
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.epoch = epoch #set to 20 by default
self.random_seed = random_seed
self._init_graph() #init all variables in a tensorflow graph
self.task = task
self.nc_ratio = nc_ratio
self.lp_ratio = lp_ratio
if self.task == 'lp': #if not lp task, we do not need to keep testing edges
self.X_test = X_test
self.Y_test = Y_test
self.train() #train our tf asne model-----------------
elif self.task == 'nc' or self.task == 'nclp':
self.X_nc_label, self.Y_nc_label = read_node_label(label_file)
self.train() #train our tf asne model-----------------
self._init_graph() #init all variables in a tensorflow graph
self.early_stopping = early_stopping #early stopping if training loss increased for xx iterations
def _init_graph(self):
@ -110,7 +55,7 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
#with self.graph.as_default(), tf.device('/gpu:0'):
with self.graph.as_default():
# Set graph level random seed
# Input data.
self.train_data_id = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]) # batch_size * 1
self.train_data_attr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.attr_M]) # batch_size * attr_M
@ -126,25 +71,26 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
self.attr_embed = tf.matmul(self.train_data_attr, self.weights['attr_embeddings']) # batch_size * attr_dim
self.embed_layer = tf.concat([self.id_embed, self.alpha * self.attr_embed], 1) # batch_size * (id_dim + attr_dim) #an error due to old tf!
## can add hidden_layers component here!
## can add hidden_layers component here!----------------------------------
#0) no hidden layer
#1) 128
#2) 256+128 ##--------paper stated it used two hidden layers with activation function softsign....
#2) 256+128 ##--------paper stated it used two hidden layers with softsign
#3) 512+256+128
len_h1_in = self.id_embedding_size+self.attr_embedding_size
len_h1_out = 256
len_h1_in = self.id_embedding_size + self.attr_embedding_size
len_h1_out = 256 #or self.id_embedding_size + self.attr_embedding_size # if only add h1
len_h2_in = len_h1_out
len_h2_out = 128
len_h2_out = self.id_embedding_size + self.attr_embedding_size
self.h1 = add_layer(inputs=self.embed_layer, in_size=len_h1_in, out_size=len_h1_out, activation_function=tf.nn.softsign)
self.h2 = add_layer(inputs=self.h1, in_size=len_h2_in, out_size=len_h2_out, activation_function=tf.nn.softsign)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute the loss, using a sample of the negative labels each time.
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights = self.weights['out_embeddings'], biases = self.weights['biases'],
inputs = self.h2, labels = self.train_labels, num_sampled = self.n_neg_samples, num_classes=self.node_N))
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights = self.weights['out_embeddings'], biases = self.weights['biases'], #if one needs to change layers
inputs = self.embed_layer, labels = self.train_labels, num_sampled = self.n_neg_samples, num_classes=self.node_N)) #try inputs = self.embed_layer or self.h1 or self.h2 or ...
# Optimizer.
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8).minimize(self.loss) #tune these parameters?
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8).minimize(self.loss)
# print("AdamOptimizer")
# init
@ -171,14 +117,18 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
start_index = np.random.randint(0, len(data) - batch_size)
return data[start_index:(start_index + batch_size)]
def train(self): # fit a dataset
self.Embeddings = []
print('Using in + out embedding')
for epoch in range( self.epoch ):
total_batch = int( len(self.X_train['data_id_list']) / self.batch_size) #total_batch*batch_size = numOFlinks??
# print('total_batch in 1 epoch: ', total_batch)
# Loop over all batches
def train(self):
self.Embeddings = []
total_batch = int( len(self.X_train['data_id_list']) / self.batch_size)
iter_count = 0
train_loss_best = 0
train_loss_keep_increasing = 0
early_stopping = self.early_stopping #early stopping if training loss increased
for epoch in range(self.epoch):
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(total_batch):
# generate a batch data
batch_xs = {}
@ -188,25 +138,40 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
batch_xs['batch_data_label'] = self.X_train['data_label_list'][start_index:(start_index + self.batch_size)]
# Fit training using batch data
cost = self.partial_fit(batch_xs)
# Display logs per epoch
train_loss = self.partial_fit(batch_xs)
iter_count += 1
if iter_count == 1:
train_loss_best = train_loss
if train_loss_best > train_loss: # training loss decreasing
train_loss_best = train_loss
train_loss_keep_increasing = 0 # reset
else: # training loss increasing
train_loss_keep_increasing += 1
if train_loss_keep_increasing > early_stopping: # early stopping
print(f'early stopping @ iter {iter_count}; take out embs and return')
Embeddings_out = self.getEmbedding('out_embedding', self.nodes)
Embeddings_in = self.getEmbedding('embed_layer', self.nodes)
self.Embeddings = Embeddings_out + Embeddings_in #simply mean them and as final embedding; try concat? to do...
#print('training tensorflow asne model, epoc: ', epoch+1 , ' / ', self.epoch)
#to save training time, we delete eval testing data @ each epoch
#-----------for each xx epoches; save embeddings {node_id1: [], node_id2: [], ...}----------
if (epoch+1)%1 == 0 and epoch != 0: #for every xx epoches, try eval
print('@@@ epoch ------- ', epoch+1 , ' / ', self.epoch)
self.Embeddings = Embeddings_out + Embeddings_in # simply mean them and as final embedding; try concat? to do...
ind = 0
for id in self.nodes['node_id']: #self.nodes['node_id']=self.look_back_list
self.vectors[id] = self.Embeddings[ind]
ind += 1
print('please note that: the fianl embedding returned and its output file are not the best embedding!')
print('for the best embeddings, please check which epoch got the best eval metric(s)......')
return self.vectors
t2 = time.time()
print(f'epoch @ {epoch+1}/{self.epoch}; time cost: {(t2-t1):.2f}s',)
print(f'finish all {self.epoch} epochs; take out embs and return')
Embeddings_out = self.getEmbedding('out_embedding', self.nodes)
Embeddings_in = self.getEmbedding('embed_layer', self.nodes)
self.Embeddings = Embeddings_out + Embeddings_in # simply mean them and as final embedding; try concat? to do...
ind = 0
for id in self.nodes['node_id']: #self.nodes['node_id']=self.look_back_list
self.vectors[id] = self.Embeddings[ind]
ind += 1
return self.vectors
def getEmbedding(self, type, nodes):
@ -224,21 +189,59 @@ class ASNE(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
fout = open(filename, 'w')
node_num = len(self.vectors.keys())
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node_num, self.dim))
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node_num, self.id_embedding_size+self.attr_embedding_size))
for node, vec in self.vectors.items():
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node,' '.join([str(x) for x in vec])))
def eval(self, vectors):
#------nc task
if self.task == 'nc' or self.task == 'nclp':
print("Training nc classifier using {:.2f}% node labels...".format(self.nc_ratio*100))
clf = ncClassifier(vectors=vectors, clf=LogisticRegression()) #use Logistic Regression as clf; we may choose SVM or more advanced ones
clf.split_train_evaluate(self.X_nc_label, self.Y_nc_label, self.nc_ratio)
#------lp task
if self.task == 'lp':
#X_test, Y_test = read_edge_label(args.label_file) #enable this if you want to load your own lp testing data, see
print("During embedding we have used {:.2f}% links and the remaining will be left for lp evaluation...".format(self.lp_ratio*100))
clf = lpClassifier(vectors=vectors) #similarity/distance metric as clf; basically, lp is a binary clf probelm
clf.evaluate(self.X_test, self.Y_test)
# ---------------------------------------------- ASNE utils ------------------------------------------------
def format_data_from_OpenANE_to_ASNE(g, dim):
''' convert OpenANE data format to ASNE data format '''
attr_Matrix = g.get_attr_mat(is_sparse=False)
id_N = attr_Matrix.shape[0] #n nodes
attr_M = attr_Matrix.shape[1] #m features
X = {}
X['data_id_list'] = []
X['data_label_list'] = []
X['data_attr_list'] = []
edgelist = [edge for edge in g.G.edges]
print('If an edge only have one direction, double it......')
cnt = 0
for edge in edgelist: #traning sample = start node, end node, start node attr
X['data_attr_list'].append(attr_Matrix[ g.look_up_dict[edge[0]] ][:])
cnt += 1
if (edge[1], edge[0]) not in edgelist: # double! as paper said--------------
X['data_attr_list'].append(attr_Matrix[ g.look_up_dict[edge[1]] ][:])
cnt += 1
print(f'edges before doubling: {g.get_num_edges()}')
print(f'edges after doubling: {cnt}')
X['data_id_list'] = np.array(X['data_id_list']).reshape(-1).astype(int)
X['data_label_list'] = np.array(X['data_label_list']).reshape(-1,1).astype(int)
X['data_attr_list'] = np.array(X['data_attr_list']).reshape(cnt,attr_M)
nodes['node_id'] = g.look_back_list
nodes['node_attr'] = attr_Matrix
id_embedding_size = int(dim/2)
attr_embedding_size = int(dim/2)
print('id_embedding_size', id_embedding_size, '\nattr_embedding_size', attr_embedding_size)
return X, nodes, id_N, attr_M, id_embedding_size, attr_embedding_size
def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=None):
# add one more layer and return the output of this layer
Weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([in_size, out_size], -1.0, 1.0)) #init as paper stated
biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size]) + 0.1)
Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(inputs, Weights) + biases
if activation_function is None:
outputs = Wx_plus_b
outputs = activation_function(Wx_plus_b)
return outputs

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@ -1,40 +1,77 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
#default parameters
''' global parameters for graphsage models
tune these parameters here if needed
if needed use: from libnrl.graphsage.__init__ import *
#seed = 2018
log_device_placement = False
# follow the orignal code by the paper author
# we follow the opt parameters given by papers GCN and graphSAGE
# note: citeseer+pubmed all follow the same parameters as cora, see their papers)
# tensorflow + Adam optimizer + Random weight init + row norm of attr
epochs = 100
dim_1 = 64 #dim = dim1+dim2 = 128
dim_1 = 64 #dim = dim1+dim2 = 128 for sage-mean and sage-gcn
dim_2 = 64
samples_1 = 25
samples_2 = 10
# key parameters during training
epochs = 100
learning_rate = 0.001 #search [0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
dropout = 0.5
weight_decay = 0.0001
learning_rate = 0.0001
batch_size = 128 #if run out of memory, try to reduce them, but we use the default e.g. 64, default=512
normalize = True #row norm of node attributes/features
weight_decay = 5e-4
batch_size = 512 #if run out of memory, try to reduce them, default=512
#other parameters that paper did not mentioned, but we also follow the defaults
model_size = 'small'
max_degree = 100
neg_sample_size = 20
random_context= True
validate_batch_size = 64 #if run out of memory, try to reduce them, but we use the default e.g. 64, default=256
# key parameters durning val
validate_batch_size = 256 #if run out of memory, try to reduce them, default=256
validate_iter = 5000
max_total_steps = 10**10
n2v_test_epochs = 1
print_every = 50
#other parameters also follow the defaults
neg_sample_size = 20
identity_dim = 0
n2v_test_epochs = 1
random_context= False
model_size = 'small'
max_degree = 100
train_prefix = ''
base_log_dir = ''
#print_every = 50
base_log_dir = ''
#core params..
flags.DEFINE_string('model', 'graphsage', 'model names. See README for possible values.')
flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.00001, 'initial learning rate.')
flags.DEFINE_string("model_size", "small", "Can be big or small; model specific def'ns")
flags.DEFINE_string('train_prefix', '', 'name of the object file that stores the training data. must be specified.')
# left to default values in main experiments
flags.DEFINE_integer('epochs', 1, 'number of epochs to train.')
flags.DEFINE_float('dropout', 0.0, 'dropout rate (1 - keep probability).')
flags.DEFINE_float('weight_decay', 0.0, 'weight for l2 loss on embedding matrix.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_degree', 100, 'maximum node degree.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_1', 25, 'number of samples in layer 1')
flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_2', 10, 'number of users samples in layer 2')
flags.DEFINE_integer('dim_1', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)')
flags.DEFINE_integer('dim_2', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('random_context', True, 'Whether to use random context or direct edges')
flags.DEFINE_integer('neg_sample_size', 20, 'number of negative samples')
flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 512, 'minibatch size.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('n2v_test_epochs', 1, 'Number of new SGD epochs for n2v.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('identity_dim', 0, 'Set to positive value to use identity embedding features of that dimension. Default 0.')
#logging, saving, validation settings etc.
flags.DEFINE_boolean('save_embeddings', True, 'whether to save embeddings for all nodes after training')
flags.DEFINE_string('base_log_dir', '.', 'base directory for logging and saving embeddings')
flags.DEFINE_integer('validate_iter', 5000, "how often to run a validation minibatch.")
flags.DEFINE_integer('validate_batch_size', 256, "how many nodes per validation sample.")
flags.DEFINE_integer('gpu', 1, "which gpu to use.")
flags.DEFINE_integer('print_every', 50, "How often to print training info.")
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_total_steps', 10**10, "Maximum total number of iterations")

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@ -1,29 +1,49 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# author: Chengbin Hou @ SUSTech 2018 \n
# to tune parameters, refer to graphsage-> \n
# we provide utils to transform the orignal data into graphSAGE format \n
# the APIs are designed for unsupervised, \n
# for supervised way, plz refer and complete 'to do...' \n
# currently only support 'mean' and 'gcn' model \n
# author: Chengbin Hou @ SUSTech 2018
# Email:
# we provide utils to transform the orignal data into graphSAGE format
# you may easily use these APIs as what we demostrated in of OpenANE
# the APIs are designed for unsupervised, for supervised way, plz complete 'label' to do codes...
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import json
import random
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from libnrl.graphsage import unsupervised_train
from libnrl.graphsage.__init__ import * #import default parameters
def add_train_val_test_to_G(graph, test_perc=0.0, val_perc=0.1): #due to unsupervised, we do not need test data
G = graph.G #take out nx G
class graphSAGE(object):
def __init__(self, graph, sage_model='mean', is_supervised=False):
self.graph = graph
self.normalize = True #row normalization of node attributes
self.num_walks = 50
self.walk_len = 5
self.add_train_val_test_to_G(test_perc=0.0, val_perc=0.1) #if unsupervised, no test data
train_data = self.tranform_data_for_graphsage() #obtain graphSAGE required training data
self.vectors = None
if not is_supervised:
from libnrl.graphsage import unsupervised_train
self.vectors = unsupervised_train.train(train_data=train_data, test_data=None, model=sage_model)
#to do...
#from libnrl.graphsage import supervised_train
#self.vectors = supervised_train.train()
def add_train_val_test_to_G(self, test_perc=0.0, val_perc=0.1):
''' add if 'val' and/or 'test' to each node in G '''
G = self.graph.G
num_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(G)
test_ind = random.sample(range(0, num_nodes), int(num_nodes*test_perc))
val_ind = random.sample(range(0, num_nodes), int(num_nodes*val_perc))
for ind in range(0, num_nodes):
id = graph.look_back_list[ind]
id = self.graph.look_back_list[ind]
if ind in test_ind:
G.nodes[id]['test'] = True
G.nodes[id]['val'] = False
@ -33,7 +53,6 @@ def add_train_val_test_to_G(graph, test_perc=0.0, val_perc=0.1): #due to unsupe
G.nodes[id]['test'] = False
G.nodes[id]['val'] = False
## Make sure the graph has edge train_removed annotations
## (some datasets might already have this..)
print("Loaded data.. now preprocessing..")
@ -45,7 +64,30 @@ def add_train_val_test_to_G(graph, test_perc=0.0, val_perc=0.1): #due to unsupe
G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['train_removed'] = False
return G
def run_random_walks(G, num_walks=50, walk_len=5):
def tranform_data_for_graphsage(self):
''' OpenANE graph -> graphSAGE required format '''
id_map = self.graph.look_up_dict
G = self.graph.G
feats = np.array([G.nodes[id]['attr'] for id in id_map.keys()])
normalize = self.normalize
if normalize and not feats is None:
print("------------- row norm of node attributes ------------------", normalize)
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
train_inds = [id_map[n] for n in G.nodes() if not G.node[n]['val'] and not G.node[n]['test']]
train_feats = feats[train_inds]
scaler = StandardScaler()
feats = scaler.transform(feats)
#feats1 = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'test')
#feats2 = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'val')
walks = []
walks = self.run_random_walks(num_walks=self.num_walks, walk_len=self.walk_len)
class_map = 0 #to do... use sklearn to make class into binary form, no need for unsupervised...
return G, feats, id_map, walks, class_map
def run_random_walks(self, num_walks=50, walk_len=5):
''' generate random walks '''
G = self.graph.G
nodes = [n for n in G.nodes() if not G.node[n]["val"] and not G.node[n]["test"]]
G = G.subgraph(nodes)
pairs = []
@ -67,46 +109,12 @@ def run_random_walks(G, num_walks=50, walk_len=5):
print("Done walks for", count, "nodes")
return pairs
def tranform_data_for_graphsage(graph):
G = add_train_val_test_to_G(graph) #given OpenANE graph --> obtain graphSAGE graph
#G_json = json_graph.node_link_data(G) #train_data[0] in
id_map = graph.look_up_dict
#conversion = lambda n : int(n) # compatible with networkx >2.0
#id_map = {conversion(k):int(v) for k,v in id_map.items()} # due to graphSAGE requirement
feats = np.array([G.nodes[id]['attr'] for id in id_map.keys()])
normalize = True #have decleared in
if normalize and not feats is None:
print("-------------row norm of node attributes/features------------------")
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
train_inds = [id_map[n] for n in G.nodes() if not G.node[n]['val'] and not G.node[n]['test']]
train_feats = feats[train_inds]
scaler = StandardScaler()
feats = scaler.transform(feats)
#feats1 = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'test')
#feats2 = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'val')
walks = []
walks = run_random_walks(G, num_walks=50, walk_len=5) #use the defualt parameter in graphSAGE
class_map = 0 #to do... use sklearn to make class into binary form, no need for unsupervised...
return G, feats, id_map, walks, class_map
def graphsage_unsupervised_train(graph, graphsage_model = 'graphsage_mean'):
train_data = tranform_data_for_graphsage(graph)
vectors = unsupervised_train.train(train_data, test_data=None, model = graphsage_model)
return vectors
def save_embeddings(self, filename):
def save_embeddings(self, filename):
''' save embeddings to file '''
fout = open(filename, 'w')
node_num = len(self.vectors.keys())
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node_num, self.size))
emb_dim = len(next(iter(self.vectors.values())))
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node_num, emb_dim))
for node, vec in self.vectors.items():
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node,
' '.join([str(x) for x in vec])))
fout.write("{} {}\n".format(node,' '.join([str(x) for x in vec])))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
''' minor amended by Chengbin with comments
so as to fit OpenANE framework \n
the key difference: auto save the best emb by looking at val loss \n
originally from \n
import os
import time
@ -21,7 +24,6 @@ def evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size=None):
return outs_val[0], outs_val[1], outs_val[2], (time.time() - t_test)
def incremental_evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size):
t_test = time.time()
finished = False
@ -36,41 +38,31 @@ def incremental_evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size):
return np.mean(val_losses), np.mean(val_mrrs), (time.time() - t_test)
def save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size, mod=""):
def save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size):
val_embeddings = []
finished = False
seen = set([]) #this as set to store already seen emb-node id!
nodes = []
iter_num = 0
name = "val"
#name = "val"
while not finished:
feed_dict_val, finished, edges = minibatch_iter.incremental_embed_feed_dict(size, iter_num)
iter_num += 1
outs_val =[model.loss, model.mrr, model.outputs1],
outs_val =[model.loss, model.mrr, model.outputs1], feed_dict=feed_dict_val)
#ONLY SAVE FOR embeds1 because of planetoid
for i, edge in enumerate(edges):
if not edge[0] in seen:
nodes.append(edge[0]) #nodes: a list; has order
seen.add(edge[0]) #seen: a set; NO order!!!
#if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
# os.makedirs(out_dir)
val_embeddings = np.vstack(val_embeddings)
vectors = {}
for i, embedding in enumerate(val_embeddings):
vectors[nodes[i]] = embedding #warning: seen: a set; nodes: a list
return vectors
''' #if we want to save embs, modify the following code + name + mod + ".npy", val_embeddings)
with open(out_dir + name + mod + ".txt", "w") as fp:
return vectors #return them and use graphsageAPI to save them
def construct_placeholders():
# Define placeholders
@ -85,11 +77,10 @@ def construct_placeholders():
return placeholders
def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
def train(train_data, test_data, model):
print('---------- the graphsage model we used: ', model)
print('---------- parameters we sued: epochs, dim_1+dim_2, samples_1, samples_2, dropout, weight_decay, learning_rate, batch_size, normalize',
epochs, dim_1+dim_2, samples_1, samples_2, dropout, weight_decay, learning_rate, batch_size, normalize)
print('---------- parameters we sued: epochs, dim_1+dim_2, samples_1, samples_2, dropout, weight_decay, learning_rate, batch_size',
epochs, dim_1+dim_2, samples_1, samples_2, dropout, weight_decay, learning_rate, batch_size)
G = train_data[0]
features = train_data[1] #note: features are in order of graph.look_up_list, since id_map = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(graph.look_back_list)}
id_map = train_data[2]
@ -98,7 +89,6 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
# pad with dummy zero vector
features = np.vstack([features, np.zeros((features.shape[1],))])
random_context = False
context_pairs = train_data[3] if random_context else None
placeholders = construct_placeholders()
minibatch = EdgeMinibatchIterator(G,
@ -110,7 +100,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
adj_info_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=minibatch.adj.shape)
adj_info = tf.Variable(adj_info_ph, trainable=False, name="adj_info")
if model == 'graphsage_mean':
if model == 'mean':
# Create model
sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_1, dim_1),
@ -141,7 +131,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
elif model == 'graphsage_seq': #LSTM as stated in paper? very slow anyway...
elif model == 'seq': #LSTM as stated in paper? very slow anyway...
sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_1, dim_1),
SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_2, dim_2)]
@ -156,7 +146,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
elif model == 'graphsage_maxpool':
elif model == 'maxpool':
sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_1, dim_1),
SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_2, dim_2)]
@ -170,7 +160,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
identity_dim = identity_dim,
elif model == 'graphsage_meanpool':
elif model == 'meanpool':
sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_1, dim_1),
SAGEInfo("node", sampler, samples_2, dim_2)]
@ -202,7 +192,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
# Initialize session
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
#summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir(), sess.graph)
#summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir(), sess.graph) #we ignore log file
# Init variables, feed_dict={adj_info_ph: minibatch.adj})
@ -211,13 +201,15 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
train_shadow_mrr = None
shadow_mrr = None
total_steps = 0
avg_time = 0.0
epoch_val_costs = []
train_adj_info = tf.assign(adj_info, minibatch.adj)
val_adj_info = tf.assign(adj_info, minibatch.test_adj)
vectors = None #to store best embs and return at the end
best_result = None
t1 = time.time()
for epoch in range(epochs):
@ -229,7 +221,7 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
val_cost = 0
val_mrr = 0
shadow_mrr = 0
avg_time = 0
while not minibatch.end():
# Construct feed dictionary
feed_dict = minibatch.next_minibatch_feed_dict()
@ -260,34 +252,38 @@ def train(train_data, test_data=None, model='graphsage_mean'):
#if total_steps % print_every == 0:
#summary_writer.add_summary(outs[0], total_steps)
# Print results
avg_time = (avg_time * total_steps + time.time() - t) / (total_steps + 1)
iter += 1
total_steps += 1
if total_steps > max_total_steps:
epoch += 1
t2 = time.time()
#only print the last iter result at the end of each epoch
print("Epoch:", '%04d' % epoch,
"train_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(train_cost),
"train_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(train_mrr),
"train_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(train_shadow_mrr), # exponential moving average
#"train_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(train_mrr),
#"train_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(train_shadow_mrr),
"val_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(val_cost),
"val_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(val_mrr),
"val_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(shadow_mrr), # exponential moving average
"time=", "{:.5f}".format(avg_time))
#"val_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(val_mrr),
#"val_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(shadow_mrr),
"time cost", "{:.2f}".format(t2-t1))
if total_steps > max_total_steps:
#no early stopping was used in original code---------------- auto-save-best-emb ------------------------------
#instead, we will chose the best result by looking at smallest val loss
if epoch == 1:
best_result = val_cost #what is this for before get emb ? if ignore it, get worse result...
vectors = save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, validate_batch_size)
if best_result > val_cost: #if val loss decreasing
best_result = val_cost #what is this for before get emb ? if ignore it, get worse result...
vectors = save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, validate_batch_size)
print('val loss increasing @ ', epoch, ' w.r.t. last best epoch, and do not cover previous emb...')
print("Optimization Finished!")
#save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, validate_batch_size, log_dir())
return save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, validate_batch_size) #return embs
def graphsage_save_embeddings(self, filename): #to do...
pass #what is this for before get emb ? ignore it?????
#vectors = save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, validate_batch_size)
return vectors

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ STEP2: prepare data -->
STEP3: learn node embeddings -->
STEP4: downstream evaluations
python src/ --method abrw --save-emb False
python src/ --method abrw
by Chengbin Hou 2018 <>
@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument('--emb-file', default='emb/unnamed_node_embs.txt',
help='node embeddings file; suggest: data_method_dim_embs.txt')
#-------------------------------------------------method settings-----------------------------------------------------------
parser.add_argument('--method', default='abrw', choices=['node2vec', 'deepwalk', 'line', 'gcn', 'grarep', 'tadw',
'abrw', 'asne', 'aane', 'attrpure', 'attrcomb', 'graphsage'],
parser.add_argument('--method', default='abrw', choices=['deepwalk', 'node2vec', 'line', 'grarep',
'abrw', 'attrpure', 'attrcomb', 'tadw', 'aane',
'sagemean','sagegcn', 'gcn', 'asne'],
help='choices of Network Embedding methods')
parser.add_argument('--ABRW-topk', default=30, type=int,
help='select the most attr similar top k nodes of a node; ranging [0, # of nodes]')
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ def main(args):
elif args.graph_format == 'edgelist':
g.read_edgelist(path=args.graph_file, weighted=args.weighted, directed=args.directed)
#load node attribute info------
is_ane = (args.method == 'abrw' or args.method == 'tadw' or args.method == 'gcn' or args.method == 'graphsage' or
is_ane = (args.method == 'abrw' or args.method == 'tadw' or args.method == 'gcn' or args.method == 'sagemean' or args.method == 'sagegcn' or
args.method == 'attrpure' or args.method == 'attrcomb' or args.method == 'asne' or args.method == 'aane')
if is_ane:
assert args.attribute_file != ''
@ -188,46 +189,39 @@ def main(args):
elif args.method == 'line': #if auto_save, use label to justifiy the best embeddings by looking at micro / macro-F1 score
model = line.LINE(graph=g, epoch = args.epochs, rep_size=args.dim, order=args.LINE_order, batch_size=args.batch_size, negative_ratio=args.LINE_negative_ratio,
label_file=args.label_file, clf_ratio=args.label_reserved, auto_save=True, best='micro')
elif args.method == 'sagemean': #other choices: graphsage_seq, graphsage_maxpool, graphsage_meanpool, n2v
model = graphsageAPI.graphSAGE(graph=g, sage_model='mean', is_supervised=False)
elif args.method == 'sagegcn': #parameters for graphsage models are in 'graphsage' -> ''
model = graphsageAPI.graphSAGE(graph=g, sage_model='gcn', is_supervised=False)
elif args.method == 'asne':
if args.task == 'nc':
model = asne.ASNE(graph=g, dim=args.dim, alpha=args.ASNE_lamb, epoch=args.epochs, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, batch_size=args.batch_size,
X_test=None, Y_test=None, task=args.task, nc_ratio=args.label_reserved, lp_ratio=args.link_reserved, label_file=args.label_file)
model = asne.ASNE(graph=g, dim=args.dim, alpha=args.ASNE_lamb, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, batch_size=args.batch_size, epoch=args.epochs, n_neg_samples=10)
model = asne.ASNE(graph=g, dim=args.dim, alpha=args.ASNE_lamb, epoch=args.epochs, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, batch_size=args.batch_size,
X_test=test_node_pairs, Y_test=test_edge_labels, task=args.task, nc_ratio=args.label_reserved, lp_ratio=args.link_reserved, label_file=args.label_file)
elif args.method == 'graphsage': #we follow the default parameters, see in graphsage file
model = graphsageAPI.graphsage_unsupervised_train(graph=g, graphsage_model = 'graphsage_mean')
elif args.method == 'gcn':
model = graphsageAPI.graphsage_unsupervised_train(graph=g, graphsage_model = 'gcn') #graphsage-gcn
print('no method was found...')
print('method not found...')
elif args.method == 'gcn': #OR use graphsage-gcn as in graphsage method...
assert args.label_file != '' #must have node label
assert args.feature_file != '' #different from previous ANE methods
g.read_node_label(args.label_file) #gcn is an end-to-end supervised ANE methoed
model = gcnAPI.GCN(graph=g, dropout=args.dropout,
weight_decay=args.weight_decay, hidden1=args.hidden,
epochs=args.epochs, clf_ratio=args.label_reserved)
#gcn does not have model.save_embeddings() func
t2 = time.time()
print(f'STEP3: end learning embeddings; time cost: {(t2-t1):.2f}s')
if args.save_emb:
model.save_embeddings(args.emb_file + time.strftime(' %Y%m%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime()))
print(f'Save node embeddings in file: {args.emb_file}')
t2 = time.time()
print(f'STEP3: end learning embeddings; time cost: {(t2-t1):.2f}s')
#to do.... semi-supervised methods: gcn, graphsage, etc...
if args.method == 'gcn': #semi-supervised gcn
assert args.label_file != ''
assert args.feature_file != ''
model = gcnAPI.GCN(graph=g, dropout=args.dropout, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, hidden1=args.hidden, epochs=args.epochs, clf_ratio=args.label_reserved)
print('semi-supervsied method, no embs, exit the program...') #semi-supervised gcn do not produce embs
#---------------------------------------STEP4: downstream task-----------------------------------------------
print('\nSTEP4: start evaluating ......: ')
t1 = time.time()
if args.method != 'semi_supervised_gcn': #except semi-supervised methods, we will get emb first, and then eval emb
vectors = 0
if args.method == 'graphsage' or args.method == 'gcn': #to do... run without this 'if'
vectors = model
vectors = model.vectors #for other methods....
vectors = model.vectors
del model, g
#------lp task
if args.task == 'lp' or args.task == 'lp_and_nc':