# From https://github.com/Danimoth/gitattributes/blob/master/Web.gitattributes # Handle line endings automatically for files detected as text # and leave all files detected as binary untouched. * text=auto # # The above will handle all files NOT found below # # ## These files are text and should be normalized (Convert crlf => lf) # # source code *.json text *.sql text *.sh text *.bat text # server config .htaccess text .nginx.conf text # git config .gitattributes text .gitignore text .gitconfig text # code analysis config .jshintrc text .jscsrc text .jshintignore text .csslintrc text # misc config *.yaml text *.yml text .editorconfig text # build config *.npmignore text *.bowerrc text # Documentation *.md text LICENSE text AUTHORS text # ## These files are binary and should be left untouched # # (binary is a macro for -text -diff) *.png binary *.jpg binary *.jpeg binary *.gif binary *.ico binary *.mov binary *.mp4 binary *.mp3 binary *.gz binary *.zip binary *.7z binary *.ttf binary *.eot binary *.woff binary *.pyc binary *.pdf binary